Leeds, Yorkshire, UK

Ha! there is no easy way – you knew that! If I knew an easy way to get fit I’d make milliions… No, what I mean is that it’s not rocket science. So I amaze myself by my own shortcomings on this score. Over the last 6 months, while I’ve been in almost constant motion. I have had no end of excuses for allowing myself to get seriously out of shape – ‘it’s hard to find healthy food when you’re constantly on the road’ (not true), ‘I’ve no time to exercise’ (not true), ‘I can’t run’ (unfortunately true, due to pelvic stress fracture).

But the rot has to stop. I feel almost disabled by my gain in weight and loss of fitness. To gain 35 pounds in 6 months feels really weird, like I’ve woken up in the wrong body. I was limping while my pelvis was painful, and my walking still feels off-kilter, like a pregnant woman leaning backwards to counter the extra weight of her belly.

Inspiration arrived this morning from Greg K – read it and see if it works for you.

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