Check out the first video of Roz arriving in Tarawa!


  • Rita: You deserve some credit too, for your daughter’s achievement. Rosalind’s approach to life can only derive from her parents and you are clearly very close. This little video clip shows that you can never be far from her thoughts.

  • Geez, Roz, I’m tearing up! I noticed you still had your gloves on during the dance. Also that you were sitting all alone! Wow, what a special honor. You’re right, they were a bit hunky too. You look great in both photos and video. Your parting look in the video is perfect. A lot of complex emotions in there. And if anyone knows you well, they would know exactly what you were thinking. It looked as if you were saying something without saying it. Good job! Enjoy what you can! Hi to Nicole/Hunter/Conrad. -Sindy

  • Congrats Roz! Glad to see you back on terrafirma. Can’t wait for the book release in about a month. You are such an inspiration and example of dedication to a cause!

  • John and Sindy and many before — and countless will also follow — express my thoughts and love and admiration. As I ponder it occurs to me that a picture is worth a thousand words, and perhaps a word describes a thousand pictures … And in this transcendental state, guess what … a haiku comes to mind ;-D

    few words can describe
    all my feelings deep inside
    simply “wonderful”

  • Roz, you are fantastic and I admire your strong spirit! Don’t ever let fear or adversity get in your way! A whole many internet friends are behind you from all over the world. Thanks for bolstering us all, your fellow adventurers!

  • Dear Roz,
    There comes a time, the elders tell us, when on truly great occasions there is little left to say beyond, “Thank you, Great Spirit, for all that has come to pass . . . thank you for sharing Roz with us . . . for allowing her to safely show us all that the human heart, mind and spirit can accomplish . . . with determination . . . beyond all obstacles . . . with charm and grace. Thank you for all she has shown us, knowing that the sky and clouds above . . . the water and earth beneath . . . the children that will follow us . . . each and every one will be blessedly better off because of what we have learned through her spiritual generosity. Thank you, Great Spirit, thank you.”
    And blessed thanks to you, dear Roz, and Rita, Nicole, and your entire team, for all that we have learned in these days together on the Pacific. . . especially about ourselves.

  • Roz! You are such an inspiration! I am so proud of you! You give me strength to tackle my first day of school this year (special ed. high school teacher).

  • A simple THANK YOU to you, Roz. As well as to Rita and Nicole and the rest of Team Roz. It has been a fabulous experience.

  • Heard you mentioned on NPR during top of the hour news this morning here in Florida. They referred to you as “British Environmentalist Roz Savage” rather than the usual “Ocean Rower”. Congrats!

  • Roz, I first heard about you just after you had left San Francisco on your way to Hawaii. Immediately I was caught up with the adventure of it all but soon it turned out to be much, much more. What a fantastic achievement on so many levels and what a terrific team you have. Congratulations!

  • Roz,


    You did it. Wow. I am very proud to have met you personally in HAWAII at the start of your journey and adventure of a lifetime to TARAWA.

    Warmest Aloha!

    Lorrin Lee

    P.S. I look forward to your next leg to AUSTRALIA.

  • Hi Roz
    Wonderful, what a pleasure to have found out about you & your Ocean adventures, I have followed your Ocean rowing since you rowed the Atlantic. I am a sea & river kayaker, I have realized for along time how important our Oceans, Seas & rivers are, in April this year I kayaked the river Thames from Cricklade in Wilshire to Gravesend in Kent, I thought of you when out on the Estuary, not just because of the pleasure of being on the water, but also because of all the rubbish & litter along the foreshores. I have mentioned you on my photos, because what your are doing, not just the personal challenge, but also for what you are doing to help the environment, you are truly inspirational. I too work to help our Oceans & Rivers “promoting marine conservation”.
    I have been in touch with Nicole; I would love for you to see my river kayak adventure photos.
    I also want to know when the party will be when you arrive in Aus, It would be an honour to meet you & shake you gloved hands!!
    Credit to ya girl.
    Terry Oliver (kayakman)

  • Wow Roz! I’ve been following the last hundred and how many days in bits and pieces. You made it! Hooray! All the best til you head out again. And then again all the best, Jessie.

  • Roz,
    You’re simply an amazing human being, and an example of strength in character. I vividly remember meeting you at sea and being overwhelmed with admiration. I wish you well on dry land, and hope to see you soon so you can sign a copy of your book for me.
    All my best after a long journey across our beautiful sea.

  • Roze, to say you are an inspiration is an understatement.
    Onirical worlds you bring to an incredible reality.
    Zeal and courage you take to the level of legendary semigods.
    Enormous and never-ending is your will power.

    Savage in the best sense you are: Pure and strong as Nature.
    All I know is that the Lord, your creator, must be proud of you.
    Victory you have redefined accomplishing unheard-of feats.
    An ardent spirit inflames your heart and takes it to the sky.
    Go woman where dreams take you and may the Lord carry you in His arms.
    Enamour us all with your valiant adventures and redefine impossible.

    Rafael Furlong, writer, photographer, professor and triathlete (60-64) Mexico.

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