Corporate sponsor ParadiseBet

10 Jan, 06 – 20:03

For GPS position, race position and miles from La Gomera, see

Roz phoned me first thing this morning to say that she had had a comment that she had been too frank about her financial situation in this dispatch. The main reason that she wrote as she did was to show that if a person really wants to do an “adventure”, they do not need to have an unlimited supply of money behind them. It is the determination to carry out the dream that is the vital ingredient, the rest will hopefully follow. Once the dream becomes reality it is that determination that is so vital too! Meanwhile she does need to rely on the help that others give, not only the finances but the messages of encouragement for when the going gets tough

Question from a texter: ‘How does one live day to day when planning an adventure like yours? How does one feed onself? What about money?’

It’s terribly un-British to talk about one’s finances, but you did ask, so here goes…

I wouldn’t be here, on this fine boat on this big blue ocean, if it weren’t for the kindness and generosity of countless individuals who have chipped in what they can to help me on my way. I am grateful to each and every one of them.

I’ve been preparing for this full-time for 14 months – pitching for sponsorship, fitting the boat out, training, researching, etc. During this time I’ve had no regular income.

My living expenses are modest – I don’t own a house or a car, or have any dependents. I usually manage to live rent-free: homes in the last couple of years have included a very Dickensian garrett above a shop, an office, and various housesits. Most of my clothes come from charity shops, in keeping with my recycling philosophy. I also count some wonderfully generous people among my long-suffering friends, who give me hospitality, buy me dinner, and generally give me moral support.

The boat costs and my living costs have come out of my savings from my previous more affluent life, supplemented by income from sponsorship – some of it corporate, but much of it from friends, acquaintances and even total strangers. Donors have varied from the woman who works in the local bakery to wealthy businessmen.

They just happen to be interested or inspired by what I’m doing, or some of them even wish they were doing something similar themselves, and by supporting me they can become a part of my adventure.

Some people slip me cash, some use the PayPal link on this website, and a couple of generous souls have even set up standing orders to support this and future ventures.

Because this isn’t a one-off. I hope to make a financially sustainable future out of adventuring, through writing, photography and speaking engagements. I’ve already written a book about my travels in Peru (manuscript completed, but haven’t got around to putting it out to agents or publishers yet). I have plans to spend much of 2006-2007 travelling around North America for another book (a quirky theme, based on a song – details coming soon).

And I also have a plan for another Very Big Adventure, to be announced probably in March. That one should, I hope, establish my reputation and pave the way for my career as adventurer and speaker.

At the moment I’m out here on a wing and a prayer, but like my faith miles, I carry on doing what feels right in the belief that it will all come right in the end.

Catching up on backlog of texts from yesterday and today…

HSS: thanks for the anagrams – Rosalind Savage = Vandal Ergo Sis or A Naval Dog Rises, Sean Chapple of Polar Quest – thanks for the message – hope your preps going well
From OULRC 1989: Natalie – glad the WaterRower is getting some use in my absence, and Penny – don’t worry about not knowing what to say – just nice to know you’re thinking of me
From Kew/Richmond – Steve S, Will — well done on Oxford place – maybe you can take up rowing?!
Pauline, Nic, Sarah W, Martin T, John T (lap of honour – no way!), DB, Mark R, Guy, Sam K, Andrew V (I did find those tranquil waters – seems a long way back now, though), John from Galway, Steve Maskell (pat on the back much appreciated), Karen Luscombe (glad to find someone who appreciates my sense of humour!)

Rita Savage’s PS:
As Roz approaches the 1000th mile, our thanks today to those who have sponsored miles with their donations as follows:
999 B Yates
1000 Mr T Molins
1001 Mrs Molins
1002 Anne Molins
1003 Indie Molins

Wind: N
Weather: sunshine and cloud, occasional shower
Sea state: moderate to rough
Hours rowing: 14

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