This week we bring you a special show, to celebrate 6 fun-filled months and 25 scintillating episodes of the Adventure Podcast. Producer Vic and I look back over our first half-year and celebrate our wonderful guests. We also have a bit of a gossip and a catchup, and I deliver some breaking news about my audiobook(s).

On Reflection

Alastair Humphreys (photo by Chris Herwig at
Alastair Humphreys (photo by Chris Herwig at

As Vic and I remark on the show, there are several themes that we’ve noticed emerging from our guests so far.

One is a refreshing lack of chest-thumping, I’m-so-amazing, don’t-try-this-at-home egomania. Quite the contrary – many of our guests give talks and write blogs and manifestos specifically aimed at would-be adventurers to encourage them to get outside their comfort zone and give it a try.

Another is the glowing reports that we’ve heard from so many of our guests about the kindness, generosity and hospitality that they’ve witnessed all across the world in the course of their travels.

And a third is the charming humility and openness of our adventurers, a willingness to admit to their vulnerabilities, and an ability to share the struggle and hardship inherent in many of their adventures.

I hope that the combination of all the above, will have inspired many of you to take on your own adventures, to know that you don’t have to “that kind of person to do something extraordinary, to trust in your fellow humans no matter what their colour or culture, and to know that struggles and setbacks are not failures – they are where vacations end, and adventures begin.

Happy adventuring!



Audiobook of Stop Drifting, Start Rowing
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  • Congratulations, Roz, on a wonderful podcast. My girlfriend and I are in the midst of our first big adventure together and have only just found your podcast. It’s a much needed injection of hope, inspiration and encouragement at a time when we’re both exhausted. So thank you!

    • I am so delighted to welcome you to my podcast! I’m glad you are finding it inspiring and encouraging. Tackling your first big adventure is always a challenge, and it often helps to know that other people have endured it and survived. What are you doing? Safe travels, and enjoy!!

      • You’re absolutely right, it really does help to have that community of travellers and their stories to listen to and be inspired by.

        At the moment we’re hitchhiking around Latin America, with the added twist that we’ve been travelling without money for the last ten months or so. It has literally changed the course of our lives. So far we’ve covered the PanAmericana highway from the north of Colombia to the South of Chile, and then back again (with a fair few detours too). We started the adventure by walking the Camino de Santiago (about 16 months ago now).

        We’ve also been working on a lot of farms, learning natural farming and permaculture techniques along with natural building etc.

        The whole thing has certainly inspired us to plan some different expeditions in the future, using our own power rather than hitchhiking. But for now, we are focusing on hitching north to the Caribbean coast where we’ll look for boats to try and work an Atlantic crossing. Proving tough (what with being moneyless that is very much understandable! Who wants to take smelly vagabonds across an ocean)?!

        Anyhow, musn’t ramble! If you would like to know more we keep a blog at

        Again, thank you for this podcast!

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