I was talking with the guys on the JUNK the other night about the things that we are looking forward to when we get back to dry land. Our wants were simple – crisp sheets, hot showers, cold drinks, and beer might possibly have been mentioned.

(In answer to the several people who asked about our dinner party drinks, alas there was neither wine nor beer, and the lack was sorely felt. A sundowner would have been just the thing. But the guest neglected to bring any, as the Brocade is a dry ship – in the alcoholic sense only, being usually a very wet ship in all other regards.)

It is so easy to take things for granted.. Until you spend 3 months without them. During my water crisis, particularly, I swore I would never again take running water for granted. I realized that the majority of the world’s population does not have easy access to a steady supply of clean water – they have to carry from wells, or from standpipes, or draw their water from streams and rivers of dubious cleanliness. For a little while, at least, I really appreciated the privileges of my western lifestyle.

But realistically, I know that my newfound appreciation of all things that “civilized” life has to offer is unlikely to outlast my suntan once I get back to shore. It is all too easy to regard these things as a right rather than a privilege, or simply not to think about them at all.

It would be quite exhausting to be grateful for every little thing, all of the time. But I do try, as part of my daily routine both on the sea and when I am on dry land (usually just as I am going to bed) to say thank you for a few of the good things that have happened during that day – for progress made, a new friend, a kind word, a good meal – or just for my health and strength. Just to show that I’ve noticed – and of course in the hope of attracting more of the same into my life.

Do visit the JUNK website.

Late addition Aug.15th: great video on the blogspot today!

Other stuff:

Position at 2145 14th August Pacific Time, 0445 15th August UTC: 22 57.554’N, 148 21.612’W.

Amex, Amex, Amex. Please keep asking all your friends and colleagues to vote – it’s not for me personally, but for the environmental education (via film, website et al) that we are creating based on my row. But do please note that if you vote twice, not only is the second vote not counted but I am actually penalized for it. So we need to just try and reach as many people as possible. Keep spreading the word!

While I was having dinner on board the JUNK I noticed that the Brocade had a load of barnacles growing on her starboard side towards the stern. When I went over the side a couple of weeks ago I’d only done the port side, because as far as I could see from the cockpit, that was the only side that needed doing. But here were some sneaky hitchhikers that would need to go. So today I went over the side again. I’m getting quite proficient at this now, but hopefully no further scrapings will be required before Hawaii.

I’d been so proud of myself, bringing only biodegradable bin bags with me. Very green, I thought. But when I went to get something out of the large central locker in the cockpit today, where I also keep my rubbish, I found that the bags have already started degrading – rather ahead of schedule. And I don’t have any others on board. I’ll just have to deal with it when I reach land. At least there is nothing too offensive in there – most of my rubbish consists of Larabar wrappers and expedition meal bags.

We have put a list on my website of all the books I have listened to so far this voyage – with links to Amazon and Audible.com.

Thanks for all the kind messages. Dinner on the JUNK seems to have been enjoyed by my internet audience nearly as much as it was enjoyed by me (and the comments about “HUNKS on the JUNK” made me smile!). It certainly was a unique and very special experience, to be remembered and treasured… and, of course, to be noted in an attitude of gratitude!

(To Vote for Roz and the documentary films project: On this page or on the home page, go to the “Members Project” box, on the Amex site find the invitation to sign on as a guest in the column on the right. Having done so, the place to vote is at the top right of their page. Easy, and costs you nothing.)

Thank you.

Click here to view Day 82 of the Atlantic Crossing 20 February 2006: Another day of Waiting. Again no news from Roz.

Also, take a look at the Books box on the website – it contains all the books that Roz has listened to while rowing – and if you wish to buy one, click on the title to go straight to Amazon (USA) or order the audio version for your iPod from Audible.com

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