It looks like my new friend the pilot fish has decided to stick around. I tried to take a photograph of him today, but as you can tell, had very limited success. Between the fast to-ings and fro-ings of the fish, and the slow reactions of my camera, he was usually out of frame by the time the shutter fired.

He seems like a curious little chap, interested in anything that gets dangled overboard, like my food mug as I wash it up, or the camera. He looks like one of those stripey sweets (don’t know if they have them in the States) called humbugs, so I think I’m going to call him Humbug. If a fish can be a bug.

There was another, much bigger, creature within ten yards of my boat today. The ocean was dead calm and still all day, with not a breath of wind, so it seemed all the louder when there was a sudden whoosh and a fast-moving Something barely broke the surface, leaving a trail about six feet long. I can’t even guess at what it might have been.

It was hot, hard work at the oars, but I still made good progress. I’m aching, especially my hands and forearms, but it’s nice to finally make some miles. The strong adverse winds that were forecast for the next few days have now been downgraded to more moderate strengths, so we shall see what happens.

I’m rather proud of my accomplishments over the last 3 days, with mileages of 46, 43 and 44 nautical miles respectively. Let’s hope this isn’t a case of pride coming before a fall.

Other Stuff:

Joan – excellent job as casting director. Kate Winslet is great (although too pretty to be me!), as is Helen Mirren. Good call!

Margaret – oh believe me, I do my fair share of yelling at the ocean. When it gives me a big splash at an inopportune moment I absolutely let rip, and it immediately gets all that stress out of my system. Gives me a sore throat, though!

Bruce – thanks for the excellent info on cornstarch bags. We’re still looking for signatures for our plastic-bag-free Olympics campaign – Greener upon Thames.

“Wishing a fabulously Happy 60th Birthday to Marian Binnie this weekend. Maz, I only wish I could be there to party with you, because I have no doubt that you will be celebrating in style, involving gallons of champagne! Have a fab one, and I hope we get to have a belated celebration the next time I see you. Much love.”

Sponsored Miles:

Doug Grandt, Hans Verwey, John Kay. (More than one mile sponsored by kind friends.)


  • Roz, I am with you COMPLETELY here, “When it gives me a big splash at an inopportune moment I absolutely let
    rip, and it immediately gets all that stress out of my system. Gives me a
    sore throat, though!” I have perfect blood pressure and pulse – it is tested every few weeks when I have surgery! But finally, when pushed too far, I growl. And people always get angry at me – “Don’t let that upset you!” – While they go around for weeks on end, tense about work, upset with the kids/significant other/whatever, with perpetually high BP and Pulse rates… Makes no sense – Let it out, Then “Paddle” on.

  • BTW Roz, We do have Humbug fish here too – Humbug Damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus), Humbug Catfish and the like. All cute little striped fishes…

    Humbug was Roz’ sea-going pet
    She and another Unknown-Nessie had not yet met
    She tried to picture them in the ocean’s stew
    Yet all she could catch was something blue
    Then a wave caught her and she screamed, “@#%&, I’m all wet!”

  • Its A Bird Its A Plane
    Its A Super-Fish Of No-Name
    It Swam Up Beside Her
    Then Left In A Stir
    Roz and Humbug Were Never The Same

    • Jim, I have a picture in my mind of Roz leaning over the side of the boat with her waterproof camera held in one hand, taking aim and hoping for the best. Later she looks to see what she has captured. A rather different way of taking pictures!

  • Hey Roz, glad to hear conditions have lightened up a bit for you. You have got me inspired to get it in gear with my rowing skiff and start doing some ocean rowing down the coast of So Cal. I have a rowing question for you. For the type of ocean rowing you do do you feather the oars on recovery or just leave the blades vertical? I have similar blades to yours, as recommended by the boat company because I had never done slide seat rowing. I am sure you would not remember but I met you for a few minutes on Laguna Beach at your book signing.
    I am back to following you daliy and look forward to each day’s report.
    Jim Ellsworth

    • Hey @google-c3d645eae7d5e02668322979a9a08c98:disqus  Roz touched on this a few days back… In order to reduce stress on her wrists, over these millions of oar-strokes across these oceans, she does not add the added stress of feathering her blades/oars to the process… Over millions of strokes, in the rough conditions, with a boat that weighs what Sedna weighs, the damage to her wrists feathering the oars/blades could be significant!

      • Thanks for the info Richard, just got back into following Roz on this leg and missed that discussion. It is what I expected as with my rowing the additonal movement to feather adds to my blisters. Although not close to the weight of Sedna, my boat weighs around 105 lbs much more than a 25 lb rowing shell.

        • @google-c3d645eae7d5e02668322979a9a08c98:disqus Jim, It hit me after I hit “Post” that I had not worded the response very well, but you seem to have gotten the gist… Millions of oar-strokes, of a heavy boat, in rough seas (at times), does enough damage blister and wrist-wise… Feathering the oars/blades on recovery would just add more…

  • Inspiration? Perhaps a study in over achievement.  You are now a well known advocate in the international movement to save the planet.
    Why you insist on risking your life rather than use your considerable communication skills on the lecture trail is beyond my ken. When I think about how this all started in aid of how your obituary might read, I despair that I might find out all too soon.

    • My guess, From doing similar things – on a much less important scale, is that Roz is not doing this JUST to save the planet… She has personal reasons too that are important to her as well… I cannot see ANYONE risking their life just to make a point – that would be foolhardy, and that is NOT Roz from what I have read and learned… And the last thing that someone who is doing something they must do for themselves – and others – needs is doubts, bad omens and the like from those who should love and support HER decision in spite of the choices she makes, and the risks she takes… Plenty of time to lecture, write, if she wants, or to do whatever when she wants when she finishes this chapter in her life – which she will very soon!

      • Gentlemen; I have been on this voyage since Roz first attempted her Pacific row where she became an environmental activist in regard to plastic. I have supported her financially as best I can, . While I respect Roz unconditionally and worry for her safety like every one here, I will occasionally give he a jab.  She knows that I am only playing Devils advocate and she is intellectually strong enough to deal with my humor and has no trouble in telling me to bugger off if I’m out of line.  Believe me, I’ve had strong words from both Roz and her charming Mum, so I would ask that you let me write what I wish, while I afford you the same option.                                                                                                                                                                          

        • @bfd85c6811d97cc6807fd28d51ad7138:disqus I agree, Playing Devil’s Advocate with people we love and care about, when the person is right next to us, is VERY important at times. (Not that they ever listen to us, Chuckle.) But, PERSONALLY, I see huge risks trying to play Devil’s Advocate with someone in the middle of the Indian Ocean whose situation could already be very bad at the moment they receive such advice. I don’t know? But, I think it would make a bad DAY even worse for no reason…

  • Roz, @Rita:disqus  has told me how much you have worried about my health, and I told her to tell you, DON’T DO THAT! (Chuckle) An AMAZING DAY today… We just learned that what put me in the coma in 2008, the mistakes made, was being shared by my doctors and staff at the time with everyone who visited me in the ICU… The doctors and staff asked them all not to tell me… Nice, Eh? But they just did… Things are looking much brighter today! So No Worries Ever Again!!!

  • Roz, I remember when I saw your talk you were rather displeased with the boobies from the business end. I was thinking that they’re traveling 100s or 1,000 of miles across the ocean. Yeah, they poop up the solar panels, but wouldn’t you in their “shoes”? The fish gather near your boat because it offers them safe harbor. You’re a floating oasis, like Sargassum, a respite from the toil and an opportunity. You provide sanctuary. 

    Do you get my drift? 

    • @UncaDoug:disqus My business partner in my post-coma, “Bucket List”, Environmental Non-Profit is a 20-something name Katy… An amazing young woman. She was also my Power of Attorney while I was in the coma (They told her that I was going to die several times while I was in the coma) – keeping everyone up to date on what was happening, taking care of my home and my doggies, my two beautiful Goldens – Chester & Mattie… She also visited me once or twice each day for those 4+ months that I was in the hospital on top of working two other jobs at the same time… So they are out there… Thanks Katy!

      • It’s youth like Katy who we need to encourage to take the initiative to voice their concerns about the planet they have inherited from us and our parents and grandparents, and to demand our generation take steps toward sustainability.

        To quote Gus Speth ( …“We have not inherited the earth from our parents; we have borrowed it from our children.”

  • hey Roz,
    Laurey from Asheville here.  Well, I have yet another reason to keep you in my daily thoughts.  I’ve recently been diagnosed with cancer (for my third time) and am now preparing to start treatment, after having had surgery 3 weeks ago.  I’m feeling fine now, getting strong and ready, though, I admit, daunted.  But once again, your journey speaks to me, the necessity of one oar stroke at a time, one day of believing the next will come.

    My journey, starts now and, though different from a cross country bike ride or a cross ocean row, bears a number of similarities.
    Thank you for your inspiration.

    • @3e9169f592dd1689d6e5f212bf0f82ac:disqus My name is Richard, and as the other Rozlings know here, I have been living with Cancer for 38 years now – over 400 surgeries to keep it in check to date. (I am sitting here bald and scarred as we speak… So if you ever need an ear, a shoulder or whatever, someone who probably understands a bit of what you are going through as a result of my history, let me know –… I’ll send you my phone number from there if you ever need a voice too… Good luck, You are a Pro at this now… You’ll be fine!

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