Today was a brighter day, metaphorically if not literally. In fact, the
weather has been fairly dismal, overcast all day and I’ve been playing
hide-and-seek with squalls, trying to coordinate them with meal breaks
so as to minimize rowing time lost while also minimizing getting
drenched and wind-flayed. This morning I felt like I was in the eye of a
storm, big black rainclouds loomed all around while I paddled along,
watching them all with suspicion, wondering which of the big bullies
would get me first.

But at long last, for the first time in many days, I’ve made some
double-digit mileage in the right direction. This has been a VERY
welcome change after the meandering wiggles of the last few days. For a
while the faintest of breezes was even blowing from the north, the
first time I have seen my red ensign flag flutter in that direction
since Day 2. The boost that gave me was more psychological than real,
but that was the kind of boost that I needed.

Towards evening conditions became more settled, and I’ve rowed late,
until midnight, listening to Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen,
enjoying the romantic complications of the Dashwood sisters. It all
seems very far removed from the life of an ocean rower…

Other Stuff:

Sorry, no other stuff tonight. It’s nearly 1am and I want to get some
sleep so I’m not tired tomorrow. Who knows what conditions it might
bring, and I want to be ready for anything!


  • Hi Roz!

    The ITCZ has always been a rough ride, and crossing the Equator a bit chaotic for small vessels. But I’ve been wondering lately… did some of that nuclear waste dumped in the briny deeps leak out, disolve Davy Jones’ locker, and unleash a mutated prankster? Seems everyone in the Indian Ocean Race plus bubbly Sarah O really went loopy for a while; then the phenomenon shifted over to your area.

    Well, perseverance like yours always pays off in the long run and, since you made it to Antigua, then Hawaii, I am very confident you will row ashore at Tuvalu. -Achates 😉

  • I read a interesting article about “grit” (the ability to focus completely on a subject to completion) You have more than I and none of my snide comments will change that. I wish you all the best

  • Fantastic!…the RozTracker has you 27 miles from the position noted with your Day 69 post. Perhaps the ITCZ debacle is near over? Godspeed Roz.

  • Looking at the RozTracker, you are directly South of where you were 2 weeks ago. Way to go! Yes, it is a squiggly line getting there; but, it is the right direction.

  • Dead on due south — making great headway.

    I was listening to the Wiggly Wigglers podcast yesterday, and Heather made Richard confess to one of those “I should have known better” home accidents. You’ll have to listen to it when you get to land (episode 192). In short form: bunnies had been getting into the fennel and munching the tops off. He was due to head off for some afternoon engagement with Heather but decided he had time to attempt to do something about the bunnies first. He decided to use (if I recall correctly) some very old sheep fencing that has sharp, pointy bits at the top that you’re supposed to blunt with a cork or a tennis ball. He made a miscalculated leap and ended up skewering himself in the rump. His first thought after the fall, in feeling the warm liquid welling out across his backside, “Oh, that’s not good.” He reports the injury location was only a near miss of the **cough** pre-existing orifice in the same general area. The shock of that realization would send your heart into your throat, I imagine. Quite a fright, as they say. The tale ends with being driven to hospital, stitching up, lasting pain/bruising, and him making it to the event in the afternoon, if a bit late. He’ll be fine.

    It was a great story, well told in that very understated British way. You two can share war stories the next time you visit the farm. Hope you got some good rest and that you’ve had a great day by the time you read this.

  • Jane, I loved the podcast! I enjoyed it so much I think it a shame you neglected to give the url to Wiggly Podcast Archive. Wiggly Podcast 0192 – Sitting on the Fence is LOL funny for a serious “public service announcement.” The bits on worms, chickens, rabits, compost and gardens are not only informative, but entertaining.

    Roz, the “public service announcement” reminds me of your landing on the slider pin a few weeks ago, which pales in comparison to Richard’s two-inch deep hole just a “bum hole width from his bum hole”…. By all means, avoid what Richard did to himself. Pay particular attention to those rowlock pins … I saw one pointing skyward in a recent blog photo. Wouldn’t want you tangle with a rowlock pin. (It was the photo on Day 65 – Leave It On The Wave Behind.)

    Happy to see your progress overnight.

  • Hi Roz,

    I’m glad to hear you finally caught a break. But I was always sure your persistence would overcome the obstacles.

  • Hi Ros, I have lived on either a mountain bike and tent or a 10m sailboat for 17 yrs now and download your podcasts and on my i-pod. The 2 of you reinforce my love of the life I live as I explore the world. 110,000km by bike and 100,000 nm by boat.

  • Hello Roz, it has been great following your days on the ocean for the last couple years. You have inspired many of us to better our lives and those around us. One question that I believe you have answered before but did not find the answer, do you take any days off or partial days? It seems that a body needs a break from time-to-time. Does the weather dictate those days off? Thanks again. I look forward to each days update and each weeks podcast.

  • Hi Roz, Not sure why I can’t seem to see the blogs from others. You are doing great! Head for Tarawa and the elements will take you to Tuvalu. -Sindy

  • I have been following you since your Atlantic row, and get more amazed at your fantastic undertaking.I was in the Navy and used to get scared up in the North Atlantic on a steel Navy ship. To think of you in that little boat by yourself just seems incredible. I send you love and good luck, and may God be with you.

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