At least the currents are on my side.

Generally, I try not to whinge about my life at sea. After all, I volunteered to be out here. Nobody forced me. So I feel that I thereby surrendered any right to complain.

But today was a tough one. Another day of 30 knot winds, and at least three more such days to come. The waves have been huge, and in the first hour of rowing today I had already suffered one knockdown (boat on side) and two boatfillers (rowing deck full of water, requiring me to run the bilge pump before I can carry on rowing).

Of course, the big waves don’t stop when the sun goes down, and having my sleep interrupted at frequent intervals by loud crashes and violent lurches does not improve my powers of resilience.

I would find all of this easier to put up with if I was whizzing along at a rate of knots in the high winds, but the waves seem to suck me backwards as much as they push me forwards, while making rowing very difficult. So the mileage was not very impressive. I spent most of the day wet and cold and mildly frustrated, so although I wasn’t really down in the dumps, my spirits weren’t exactly up either. Sigh. It’s all character-building stuff.

"Bio-Bandage® is the first in a line of revolutionary treatments to help your pond, freshwater or marine fishes recover from injuries".

On a lighter note, I did spare a thought for the chaps downstairs. They are still there, sticking with me through thick and thin. Occasionally I could see them surfing down a wave, heading straight for the side of my boat. I couldn’t see what happened then. I kept wondering if I would end up with a dorado in my lap as a wave comes in over the side. Or do they take evasive action at the last possible moment and duck beneath the hull? Or do they ever misjudge the distance and run headfirst into the side of the boat?

It made me smile to think of a poor little dorado, having collided with Sedna’s side, with a bandage on his nose. Not that fish have noses – or bandages. But hey, sometimes you just have to laugh.

Photo: Hmmm, no idea. Perhaps you can find a picture of a fish with a bandage on its nose….!!! 🙂 No, I did not find such a picture, hope the one I did find will give you a laugh. Rita.

Other Stuff:

Thanks for the comments on my rosy view of the future. I agree that there may well be some extremely challenging times (for which read “global catastrophes”) between now and then. And I am duly wearing my metaphorical sneakers. In fact, a small part of me can’t help thinking “bring it on”, just so we can get through the apocalypse and into a brighter post-apocalyptic future. But I’m sure it will be here soon enough, without any wishing from me.

Stan – I agree that population may be an unpleasantly self-correcting issue. We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way….

Tom Brown – thanks for your precis of your view of the future. I liked the sound of the supersonic public transport and the built-in phones. I even like the sound of the subscraper cities, being a fairly urban girl for all my talk of self-sufficiency. But your view of the future of food had me feeling rather queasy – and nothing to do with the waves. I’ll make the most of present forms of food while I can!

Eric – okay, we can have your supercities in the future. I would definitely be happier in a future where I’m a short walk away from a coffee shop!

Latest podcast is now available

Quote for the day: “We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.” G K Chesterton

Sponsored Miles: Nick Perdiew, Hans Verwey, Andrew Rutherford and Simon and Eve Ringsmuth sponsored some of yesterday’s miles; Chris Ferreira, Doug Grandt and Simon and Eve Ringsmuth sponsored miles a thousand further on, beyond Roz’s intended goal. Thank you to all of them.


  • Roz, this is in response to the podcast episode 48 re: Dolphins and their ability to adapt. It is now online by the link above. (Doug, help…) This story came out of Western Australia about the time you left Perth. It was big news to me but I did not feel it appropriate at that time to share as you were way too busy sitting in the middle of a parking lot hoping to get satellite signal while having wifi connection:) This article goes through how dolphins chase small fish into hiding in conch shells on the bottom of the beach, scoop up the entire conch, go to the surface and “pour” the fish into it’s mouth. If that was not amazing enough, they are now teaching each other how to do it. It was first noticed in 2007 and 2009 in isolated accounts but now the skill is becoming wide spread. 

    This one is a unscientific video observing a parent dolphin pointing food out to a baby dolphin.

    And this one is just a free-bee feel good video of Ducks teaching their baby ducklings how to land in water from flight. It was caught by an amateur photographer in their backyard pool.

    I got the forwarded email from your mom, Rita. I will begin planning your “Welcome back to land you land lubber (not sure what to call it just yet) Arrrrgh” party. Those in the San Francisco Bay Area should pencil their calendars for the second and third weekends in October 14th and 21st are Friday’s and at this point, they are only markers in the eventual horizon. And just because I love the moon in the Bay Area, the full moon is Tuesday, October 11th and the new moon is Wednesday, October 26th 

    I will keep you posted on developments… 

    “This ain’t ‘er first rodeo!” 

    Row Roz Row


  • Other products you may be interested in:
    Wave be gone. Can o wind, from any direction on the compass. Hot Date, one night stand in a bottle. Babel fish, strike up a conversation with any being, apply carefully to right ear. Talk to the greats pill, prescription required. Dehydrated water.
    One strange thought. If the wind is going the right direction, is it cheating to wear your biggest jacket, baggiest pants and all your bedding?
    My 26 year old son tells me that this kind of posting is called Trolling in the latest Internet meme.

    • Marks_the_spot,   Those are great!  Years ago there was a company called Barnards.  They made dehydrated food and for a joke they sold a can of dehydrated water…all you add is water.   Wave be gone is also available in aerosol cans.  Perhaps Roz needs a resupply.  She can toss the cans overboard when she is finished with them. Wink, Wink,
      Cheers,    Stephen

  • Let me comment on the food issue if I might, Roz, at the risk of going all “Green” on you.
    First of all, most of the civilized world is buried in heavily processed foods, most of it unhealthy (high fructose corn syrup is one outrageous example), but that doesn’t mean we can’t as a civilization do better. There are some who believe the food we eat now is killing us (look at the rising levels of diabetes world wide).And given a lot of people living in a relatively small space (i.e., a crowded city), the food supply becomes a “growing” problem (you’ll excuse the expression). Not to mention providing food to all the third-world nations and their starving populations. Civilization is all about compromise. We give up the freedom of the open plains for the comfort and security of a tribe or village. The looming food crisis is no different. To survive, we need to change as a species, and I believe that change will come via chemistry and nano-engineering. In my mind, there is no way farms are going to be able to produce the food the world needs. Now, if we’re going to manufacture food in a factory anyway, why bother shipping the finished goods (requiring refrigeration, etc.) when you can ship the raw chemicals in 55 gallon drums instead, and manufacture your Larabars on the spot. Sure, they might have a smoother consistency (which over time, people might prefer over the “lumpy” old-fashioned product. The people who “make” the Larabars will still get paid, because they’ll be renting (leasing?) the computer software holding the recipe. Ideally, the quality of all food will be more-or-less the same as it is now (provided your Food Processor isn’t on the fritz, and you’re paying top dollar for the more expensive recipes).
    Finally, if we don’t stop destroying the environment, we won’t be *able* to farm or hunt or fish. There won’t be anything left out there to eat. Sure, my vision of the dinner table of the future might not sound too appetizing, but it’s important to plan for the worst. And who knows, somewhere in the middle between farm and factory, we might find a balance we can live with.

    Bon Appetite, Roz.


    • Howdy Tom,    Sometime in the 1980’s I heard there was enough food to feed the worlds population.  Wonder if it is still true.  Perhaps in the future we will have replicators like on Star Trek.           Bon  Appetite,     Stephen

      • Farms produce enough calories to serve everyone on the planet a life supporting amount each day. These come mostly from sugars and starches from grain. But calories aren’t enough. There are fats and amino acids that are also essential. We also need other nutrients like vitamins and minerals that most of us get from a “pill” but would be better in the form of fruits and vegetables. It is getting the right kind of protein and fats and other nutrients along with the carbohydrate calories that we are currently not doing well. Nor are we doing a very good job of getting those calories spread around to people who need them.

        Feeding the world is more of a problem with distribution than of production. Assuming we choose to grow the right kind of food.

        • Dear Stan,   
              Thanks for the information, it is very helpful.  As we have discussed on Roz’s Log, quality and complete nutrition are most important to all life really.
               There was an organization in the 1980’s called the Hunger Project.  The goal was to end hunger by the year 2000.  Buckminster Fuller was involved with them.   The problems they were working on were Governments and Distribution.  Some Governments are the distribution problem.

      • Stephen, I just checked my spreadsheet with my world food stats on it. Based on UN Food and Ag Organization numbers the world production of rice corn and wheat in 2008 yielded a bit over 6 quadrillion calories. That is enough to provide 7 billion people about 2300 calories a day. Unless you are rowing like Roz, who is probably using over 4000 calories a day, 2300 calories is enough for most peoples basic needs.

  • Really not much to add but to say that we all follow your adventures and our eldest has introduced you to his class. The kids are amazed.

    All the best to you Roz and your mum

  • One more thought.
    In the 22nd Century, there’s this little bistro in Tycho City on Luna (located next to a park with lovely odorless flowers and a shallow “lake” where genetically engineered ducks swim) that serves real fresh vegetables, grown in a private hydroponics facility nearby. Meals there are exquisite, but a little pricey. The average person will end up paying more than a month’s salary for the privilege of eating a “real” lunch. Service is top-notch, as you’d expect, and the whole experience is well worth the cost. If you’re ever on Luna (don’t call it “The Moon” as “Lunies” will get insulted), I highly recommend it.
    Why, it’s almost like being back in the 21st century (except for the cheque, of course).

  • Dear Roz, 
         Sorry to hear you are getting more than a hip pocket full of water.  Not much fun, but as you say character building.  Rowboats tend to slow down quite a bit when full of water, I found this out the hard way. Also saw a picture from the 1960’s of the Stanford and Berkeley 8’s having a race in San Francisco bay somewhere between Alcatraz and Berkeley.  The crew are up to their waists in water and do not look very happy.  Do you suppose they were not aware that the bay gets choppy at times?
    Dear Rita,   
          Thanks for the picture of the currents,  looks like it has changed in the last few days.  The picture of the fish bandages is really funny. 

    Row Roz Row!          Cheers,    Stephen

  • Hi Rozlings, 
    The Women of the World organization( is a great fit for Roz and her work. 
    Please consider writing them a letter or copy and paste my note below as an email to them. Pass it on. 

    Women of the World Mission Statement: …The Foundation will, in addition, convene courageous women of impact, provide strategic grants to select non-profit organizations, and foster much-needed collaboration between organizations.
    Send email to:”Info(at)” My note to them: To whom it may concern,Please consider Roz Savage for involvement in your foundation. Ms. Savage is currently in the process of crossing the Indian Ocean on her own in a rowboat. She has also rowed across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans solo as well. Ms. Savage is driven to highlight each individual’s ability to overcome and reverse environmental degradation through personal actions and awareness. Ms. Savage emphasizes the interconnections between the actions of the individual and the direction of greater whole. Her personal story is uplifting and empowering, and her vision and courage are truly inspiring. Please take a look at Ms. Savage ( and consider her for involvement in your organization.Sincerely, Bruce Gervais 

    • Sorry, but the urls above are ruined by the javascript. Frustrating. The second one below is not the correct web site. Please use these web pages:

      women in the world: womenintheworld dot org
      email: info at womenintheworld dot orgIt’s really worth a look! 

  • Roz, all that you are suffering through right now is far more than the rest of us even think we might some day endure.  Your rowing and quest to speak up for mother earth are very inspirational.  Wayne and I only do about 4 clean ups per year, and one short day of cleaning our Hawaiian waters and beaches is exhausting.  Thank you for being who you are.

    I have some pictures to amuse your Mum whilst you row regarding fish and bandages.

    Greatest aloha.

  • Hi Roz,

    If only it was the fun, easy experiences that build character…Definitely a defect in the universe.

    Row on!

  • I just finished reading some wonderful stuff from blogger, Andrea Schur (, about sharing ‘the mess’. She talks about sharing the messy side of parenting but I, not a parent, can see how her message translates to everything. 

    When we share our weaknesses and our vulnerabilities, we connect deeply with others. These moments of frustration are shared by everyone, and felt deeply by your readers. 

    Another thing that Andrea got me thinking about was how being alone with these kinds of difficulties can be difficult. Extremely challenging. I can safely say that I’ll still be around even after the longest ‘whinge’. It’s human, natural, and to be expected. Let it out, girlfriend. We’re here to support you.

    The waves, winds and sleepless nights are part of your story and they’re definitely a part I want to hear. The very idea of you out in the middle of the ocean blows my mind to begin with. Everything you are doing is remarkable! When I read stories like this one, it reminds me that YES, in fact, you are at sea and you’re enduring some really rough conditions. 

    Sending warm thoughts and love.

  • Roz, For me –  a city that can stand on its own . With a little outside influence. No town is an isle. No Island is on to itself. Each small community contributes its local part. The larger the outside influence , the larger the circle of outside influence. Circles of consumption and exchange are growing smaller by the day.  Harking back to days of old.
    High tech can make certain gains but in the end- local -sustainable commerce rules the century . I wish it more complex than that – but it is not. Keep your spirit tall , your hopes high and keep teaching .  That – in the end – what matters most of all.Rough waters now and calm water to make your landing real. Be safe. 

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