Latitude: 27° 26′ N
Longitude: 18° 09′ W
Miles from La Gomera: 64
Miles to Antigua: 2490
Position in race: not known
After yesterday’s whinge-fest I have now rediscovered my sense of humour. Well, what else can you do but laugh, when you find yourself naked except for hat, trainers and kangaroo skin gloves, paddling sedately across 3000 miles of ocean and singing along to Abba?
In fact. I’m thoroughly ashamed of myself. I’d promised myself I wasn’t going to whinge at all. I’ve chosen to do this lunatic thing, so I thereby relinquished any right to complain about this supremely surreal situation in which I now find myself.
Today has been a dramatic improvement. I treated myself to 8 hours of sleep last night, and woke up feeling like a new woman. Put in a solid 4 hours of rowing before breakfast (porridge – camping stove problem now overcome). And have spent the rest of the day getting into what feels like a sustainable routine of rowing, eating and resting.
And getting naked.
I am usually modest (and since pre-race bulking up have much to be modest about) and not given to exhibitionism, but previous ocean rowers have found that rowing naked helps prevent salt water boils. For me, the impetus to try it was because it’s easier to apply suncream without having to work around garments.
And it felt rather good to feel the sun and wind on my skin – it felt healthy and wholesome, rather than strange or embarrassing.
I’m now sitting on my deck watching the sun set – I’ve washed and dressed for dinner, which is rehydrating in a thermos flask. The sea is calm and I’ll put in a few more hours at the oars before retiring to my cabin. I feel well cared for and in control of my little world. Life is good.
Monty’s Dispatch
Hmmph! Thank heavens she’s in a better mood today. I’ve never heard so much whining and whingeing. ‘My hands are sore, my ribs hurt, I feel sick.’ Blah, blah, whinge, blah, blah.
Seems it was just a few teething problems and she’s quickly got used to her new lifestyle.
Me? I’m happy. I’ve got a smart new lifejacket made by Roz’s mother to keep me safe. No seafaring teddy should be without one!
Wind direction: 70?
Wind speed: 5 kts
Weather: fair
Sea state: calm
Hours rowing: 12
Hours sleeping: 8
Thought for the day: Know that you are not alone