Today was my best day's mileage so far – according to the ship's log
(writing that makes me feel like Captain Kirk) I've covered 42 nautical
miles in the last 24 hours. Very pleasing, although I deliberately don't
get over-jubilant about such things in case, as is likely, tomorrow is a
slower day. All things change, and everything passes, as I keep
reminding myself every time I have to sit on my poor raw, chafed bottom.
This too will pass.
Speaking of passing, yesterday I had just about written off my stereo as
a lost cause. It seems to be traditional that at least one electrical
item has to die on each crossing – watermaker, GPS, satphone, whatever,
and I was convinced that the stereo was just the latest in a long line
of casualties.
But today, like Lazarus from the grave (well, not very much like Lazarus
at all, really) the stereo has soldiered on, albeit in rather a
temperamental manner. It still resolutely ignores whatever buttons I
press – maybe I'm just being old-fashioned in expecting it to do my
bidding – and does what it damn well pleases. Which, fortunately, for
most of today has involved working. Sometimes it stops for a few minutes
before deciding that, after all, it may as well carry on. And sometimes
I have to actually pull the iPod out of it to get it to stop. But for
now, at least, we have reached an arrangement that seems to work most of
the time for both of us. It gets to assert its independence, and I get
to listen to my book. More or less.
Other Stuff:
New weekly video, podcast and newsletter all went out yesterday. Video
and podcast can be accessed via the RozTracker, and the newsletter goes
out to people who have signed up via the box on the right hand column of
my home page at If you're new to this blog, you might
want to go sign up and check it out.
Thank you very much for all the concern and comments about my backside.
I am almost embarrassed to have my rear end the subject of so much
interest! Brings a blush to my cheeks… (pun intended). And thank you
from the bottom of my heart. Or the heart of my bottom. I am following
all practicable advice, and expect a full recovery in due course. In the
interests of public decency, I will spare you the photograph.
To raise the tone….
My program director Nicole and I continue to talk 3 times a week via
satphone. We've been battling poor connections – satphone to satphone
seems to double the chances of dropping the call – but despite spending
half our conversation saying "hello, hello, are you still there?" we're
managing to keep going with business as usual. Lots in the pipeline,
specifically around planning our march from London to Copenhagen for the
COP15 climate change conference. All interesting stuff, and keeps me
powerfully motivated to keep on rowing.
If you haven't already, do please check out This is
my environmental initiative for this year. The idea is that you match my
10,000 oarstrokes a day by doing 10,000 steps a day – about 60-90 mins
of walking, but if you use a pedometer you also get to count all the
steps you take around the house, office, pub, whatever – although
ideally you do at least some of your steps as a substitute for driving.
Good for your body, and good for the planet!
Speaking of walking, quite a few of you know my mother – by reputation
at least – as my staunchest supporter, website administrator, and
general factotum. On Sunday she goes into hospital for her second hip
replacement – she had the first one done a couple of months ago. Please
join me in wishing her all the very best for a successful operation and
a swift recovery. I can't wait for her to be pain-free and active again
– and I'm sure she feels the same a millionfold! All the best, Mum!
Weather report:
Position at 2010 HST: 16 08.712N, 163 41.676W
Wind: 8-15kts ENE
Seas: 3-4ft ENE
Weather: a few clouds, but mostly brutally hot. I'm dodging the sun as
much as I can, but suspect my weatherbeaten countenance isn't going to
get any relief anytime soon…
Weather forecast courtesy of
The easterly trade winds persist in the 20kt range. Seas 5-7ft.
Forecast below is for a SWerly course.
Date/Time HST Wind kts Seas (ft)
12/1800-18/0000 E-ENE 15-20 5-7
Sky conditions: Partly cloudy next few days. Isolated rainshowers but
higher chance than yesterday.
It is great to see you made incredible mileage. If you can just stick to the same rowing routine then you will achieve you goal.
Regards, Gregory
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42 nautical miles in 24 hours!That is incredible.
I didn't know about the 10,000 steps!I'll check it out today.
And Of course I shall definately pray for you mom's success in surgery and speedy recovery
♥ Chaitra
What a great day for distance, too bad your bum is so sore. I just saw a product that you need for the next leg of your adventure. It's sold by Duluth Trading and it's called "Monkey Butt", a term coined by bikers to refer to the soreness, itching and redness that can result from long hours on a bike seat. From the way you describe it sure sounds like Monkey Butt to me
Have a great day
As someone who's had lifelong arthritis (since I was a kid), my prayers go out for your mum this weekend. If she has half your spirit, she'll soldier thru like a trooper.
Also an extra spiritual kick for that temperamental stereo of yours. When in doubt jus give it a good slap (or threaten to send it to a watery grave). When bribery fails, I find the techno gods respond to fear.
Thanks for doing this journey Roz. I've turned my 12 yo niece and her friends into your followers as well. They think it's "very cool".
Wear sunscreen!
I'm so glad to hear your making such good time right out of the gate. It beats the hell out of your escape from 'Frisco last year. My prayers go out to your mom.
Roz, wishing your Mum a speedy recovery. All the more reason to pull to the cadence of the Beatles' "Lovely Rita" ;-D
Hi Roz,
Greetings from Connecticut. We'll send you some of our clouds if you can send a bit of your sunshine. Sounds like you could use a few days of shade.
Our two girls are watching your progress. You are a wonderful example of how people can change their lives and, with focus and effort, do anything they want.
Personally, I'm fascinated by survival technology. I hope you talk more about your boat, food and gear.
We wish you luck and success on your amazing adventure, and speedy recovery to your Mom.
I have been hooking up many new Rozers though my writings. The idea seems to itrigue both young and old. My very best to your dear mum and may we hear more mum while you be mum on the bum for some time to come. Be safe.
Go Roz Go!
John and Piper Seals from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Awesome mileage!!
Excellent job! I thought of you during my 10 mile run today…it was brutally hot (Miami) and I just kept telling myself, "that Roz has to row ALL DAY LONG and you get to quit and walk into the air-conditioning in just …more miles…"
XO to you and your mom and speedy recovery to all…including what you sit upon.
Do not
Catch crabs.
Flying fish
Are preferable.
The Amazon icon in the page is pointing to the root of Amazon's site, not to Roz's book. I guess you'd like to fix that, however internet savvy the readers might be. =)
Hey Roz,
Found out about your effort from my good friend Tom Tessier here in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada — Tom is the guy who invented the Solara Data tracker you are using for RozTracker.
Keep up the great effort… its fun for all of us to follow you and I make it my daily ritual to track your progress (and your sore bum).
Take Care,
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