Position: -04.38057S, 156.59082E
Dictated by Roz at 21.48 Local time. Transcribed by her mother, Rita Savage

Today I have had the ocean to myself, thank goodness, apart from an overnight visitor. I emerged from my sleeping cabin this morning to find a booby bird staring stupidly at me from the roof of the forward cabin. He had, needless to say, pooped liberally over the forward solar panels.
I had an inkling I might find a booby in residence. Last night I was in my cabin writing my blog when I heard something collide clumsily with the cabin roof with a sound somewhere between a slither and a skitter. It sounded, in fact, exactly like a booby bird making a crash landing. So to find a booby plus side-effects this morning was not a big surprise.
I sighed, and went about my business. Last year I fought the battle of the boobies and lost. I drove myself nearly crazy shooing them away, only for them to fly in a big circle and come straight back again. This year I am quietly resigning myself to whatever indignities they choose to inflict upon my vessel.
In keeping with my steady progress towards my state of zen calm, I now remind myself from the words of the prayer “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things that I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.” (Rheinhold Niebuhr) And the lavatory habits of the booby birds definitely fall into the category of things requiring serenity.
Other Stuff: David Tangye asked if an arrival in Papua New Guinea constitutes a valid crossing of the Pacific. Absolutely. I shan’t comment on the consistency and quality of the rules which are mostly defined by Kenneth Crutchlow of the Ocean Rowing Society in London, but a precedence has been set by Erden Eruk who crossed from California to Papua New Guinea in 2007. If you go to http://oceanrowing.com and click on the statistics link you will see that most of the Pacific rows have been from Peru to Australia or from Japan to North America. So I think that by crossing the Equator as well, I have done more than enough.
However, my voyage probably will not count as an official record. I believe that to get into the Guiness Book of Records the crossing has to be wholly “unsupported” and by having a sun canopy on my boat I lose my unsupported status. Yes, really! I suppose the idea is that the canopy could be said to offer some additional wind resistance like a sail. Although, as my canopy is a thin triangle, tapering from about four feet down to about six inches, and is horizontally above my rowing position rather than at any angle that could possibly catch the wind, its wind resistance is absolutely minimal. Hey, don’t ask me, I don’t make up the rules. I just weighed up getting an official record versus getting skin cancer, and decided I needed a canopy.
A record breaking day again today, 65 nautical miles to the good. Never before have I had a crossing to magnificently blessed by favorable winds and current. At the moment they are helping me achieve a near-perfect course of 260 degrees, which, if I can keep to it, will get me through the narrow straits between Bougainville Island and New Ireland within the next few days.
Another Alf-less day. I think I need to accept that he is no more, God bless his little spidery soul.
Rita: Roz says a tremendous thank you for the support, prayers, and comments of her followers, it cheers her on her way.
Grateful thanks to latest contributors: Kathleen Miritello, James Ford, Petr Simecek and Sally Phillips. Do note what Nova says below about the end of the guessing contest!
Nova’s News:
Roz is rowing faster than ever! Your cheering, your contributions to GoRozGo, encouragement and support have been working, as Roz is set to arrive in shorter time than her previous voyages. As a result we will be ending the contest for guessing her date and time of arrival early, on May 12th . . . . so hurry for your last chance to win a Skype conversation with Roz. So far we have 67 entries spread over a six and a half week span of time and dates. It is till anyone’s guess just when she will arrive. She is heading for Madang in Papua New Guinea. Enter now and be part of the adventure!
Please remember the request from Blue Frontier Campaign to vote for Roz and Margo: http://pep.si/9ZMuai
“Also vote for our coalition partner Project Kaisei to help remove tons of floating plastic debris in our Ocean! Vote here: http://pep.si/alxXp
Go Roz Go!
I’ve been following your travels for ages now, but wanted to drop a line and say that I’m cheering you all the way! Thanks so much for being the gutsy, awesome woman you are – you’re a real inspiration!
It’s good to hear the wind and the waves are in your favor this time! I think aggravation from the previous two legs are enough. I hope it stays that way all the way there.
As they say here on the island, “fair wind and calm seas”! You go girl 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration Roz. Seems like you’re not the only seafarer not to be recognised for your accomplishments – 16-year-old Jessica Watson (www.jessicawatson.com.au) is due back in Sydney on May 15 after a solo, non-stop and unassisted circumnavigation of the world, and she’s been told she is too young for her feat to be recognised. Would be great if you both could meet up if your travel plans allow after completing your voyage. Congratulations for all you have done, am avidly reading your book and hope there’s another one in the works!
Dear Roz,
Your plea for comments has spurred me to action. I have followed you since I first heard of you half way through your last leg. I have thought about commenting so many times but feel silly wasting bandwidth and your precious air time to just say Hi, keep up the good work! and I am sure there are many like me that follow intently but don’t comment. But since you asked that is exactly what I will do.
I bought, read and very much enjoyed your book and use the bookmark made from the larabar wrapper all the time.
I have to say I follow your adventure with the anxious anticipation of a good book eagerly awaiting your next entry, hoping for you to make good progress and are doing well but at the same time with the tinge of sadness as you see the pages dwindling away. Are you going to have any more adventures after this? Are you going to move to an office and no longer be the source of our vicarious adventures?
I hope all is well, the seas are calm, the breezes favorable and the helicopter leave you alone for some peace and quiet.
PS. I know it isn’t much but I was in a park the other day and spent 20 minutes picking up a bag of other peoples garbage, spurred to action because something brought you to mind. I have also ridden a few places on my bike that I would normally of driven. Small steps I guess. Next step, put some reusable shopping bags in my car.
iRozbot! Been out of touch a while Roz traveling to DC for interviews and such. Anyway, good to check in and see that all is well and you are making great progress. Wishing you continuing fair winds and following seas.
Looks like my next stop with NOAA will either be Arcata or San Diego, CA. I will keep you posted on my eventual landing.
You SO made the right choice about putting up the sun screen! Years from now, who cares about the Guiness Book of Records vs. being healthy. Good job!
Life is too short to worry about “official records’ things… just keep doing what you are doing raising awareness to the issues at hand. The “record” of results of all your hard work has already had an impact world wide. THAT is worth bragging rights 🙂 🙂
LOVE the eco-heroes! I’ve been telling lots of people about it. Go ROZ (in so many ways.) And The Ripple Effect is great too.
Row Roz Row!
Guinness can suck it. I got news for them, there’s a new book and it isn’t even a book.
Hi Roz,
I’m glad to see that things are going well and I hope that continues.
Roz, you are breaking records in my book! After you make landfall, I wish for you some quiet time to read all the comments from us loving Rozlings, and I hope it gives you pleasure to think back with a smirk or a chuckle … and some OMG LOL WTF ROFL
Yesterday, after contemplating over a week, I wrote a paragraph in response to your question on Day 11 – Past vs Present http://j.mp/RozDay11 …. Then, to read today’s blog juxtaposed with Day 22 – Three’s a Crowd ( http://j.mp/RozDay22 ) … it is so Past vs Present, so yin and yang … so in that vein, following are two haiku for you to capture the irony of these dissimilar days: nature vs technology.
Choppers hovering
Voyeurs spewing C O 2
Shoo! hell’o’clatter
Slither and skitter
Surprise, the booby came back!
World record zen calm …
Happy Rowing, Roz!
Safe harbor soon!
P.S. I discovered the magic number in http://ecoheroes.me/
Hi Roz!!!
Nuty as I am are is, (late response to Day 21 – Extreme Dreams) I have always been with you, in spirit, since my first message to you in ’05 while you were setting up Sedna (now Brocade).
Cannot forgive myself for missing you by a day when you visited Greg on Van Isle.
Since Day One (first contact) you have gone through an exponential transformation, and are still in transition. Wonsderful!! Seems like now, sans electronic gadgets, you are reaching an ultimate stage of opening your third eye (as per The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa).
Now it seems as though your remaining row is down a popularity corridor, and more voyuers will be seeking you out the closer you get to target. Bummer.
Keep on Keeping On,
About the solitude bringing up buried memories; that is said to happen to people who go on those silent retreats of meditation for several days. It happens a few days in, and can be a very upsetting experience if bad memories spring up. I’ve never tried a silent retreat, so I can’t say from experience. But it sounds like you are experiencing an effect of a silent retreat of several weeks! The benefits will be huge, I imagine. Happy to hear you’ve made peace with the boobies, you’re right, you can’t change their behaviour, you can only change your perception of their behaviour. Good for you! You’ve made fantastic progress and not just in mileage!
Ride the wind Roz! And don’t give up entirely on Alf. He may yet show up! Glad to hear you are not battling the demons anymore.
Roz, you are very near Tulun Island, better known as Carteret Island/Atoll – Google Earth Labels it Han Island. The inhabitants of this island are the first entire people to officially be evacuated because of climate change. They are now environmental refugees. Their island is being swallowed by the sea and their crops of banana, taro and breadfruit destroyed by storm surges and king tides. It’s a very sad situation that demonstrates the urgency of the climate change issue. I’m sure you’ll hear more about this when you reach mainland PNG.
Go Roz Go! I read your Blog almost everyday now. Wishing you a successful journey to New Guinea.
Good to have a quiet, very productive day. I agree Alf may very well be back, hope so any way. Good going and best wishes!
FWIW, the island I referred to in my comment above appears as Weteili on the Roz Tracker. It’s amazing how many different names some of these remote atolls can have.
Keep going Roz. Your doing great.
For the record: from above “David Tangye asked if an arrival in Papua New Guinea constitutes a valid crossing of the Pacific.” No I didn’t (My comment from Day 20: ‘I dont know what the “official” line is, and do not really care, but USA to New Guinea sure looks like you have “crossed the Pacific” to me.’). I would hate to be thrown into any basket of Negative Neddies here.
I appreciate that you are getting info relayed as some technology has died, and it sounds like my comment got translated into implying the converse of what I said.
Querida Roz. Te sigo atentamente desde unos 3 o 4 años. Siempre admirando tus condiciones de corajuda mujer. Que los elementos te sean propicios. Estoy espiritualmente contigo en el Brocade como uno mas de tus Rozlings. Un gran saludo.
Pedro Martin. Chile.
Hey, Roz,
Just wanted to send a big hello from your friends at Woodberry – most of the kids who heard you speak here have graduated – how time flies! – but we’re telling your story to the current crew so you’ll have a new bunch of Rozlings soon. Sounds like you’re making great progress. Hope you’ll come visit us in Asheville in the summer – you’d get to see Laurey too – and do a reading at our local bookstore.
Go Roz Go! Love, Deb & Michael
P.S. So sorry to hear about Alf. 🙁
I am starting to get excited and I want to remind everyone that You Roz, have already accomplished several feats that no one ever has! Records are made to be broken, but what you have done and will do is going to last for centuries! Bravo!
Good morning, Rita. I hope you got some sleep! I just can’t stand the tension … and not sure how I will sleep. (See Note* below) You would normally receive Roz’s voicemail dictation about 3-4 hours from now. On the other hand, she may pull an all nighter just to assure that she does not hit Tulun Island. At the rate she has been rowing, she would arrive in the vicinity of Tulun at about 7:30 AM. With the current carrying her toward the island, best to row WNW all night in order to give the island a wide berth.
This not having electronic and gps tracking every 20 minutes is a bugger!.
I hope you slept well … I am not sure how I will fare … probably will be up very early … awaiting your post of Day 24. If we see no Day 24, I will presume she will not have taken time to dictate, and rather will have rowed her butt off all night.
This is really a nail biter. Wishing Roz well … and you!
If you speak with her, tell her we are keeping a vigil.
Note*: At this moment (6:00 PM Tarawa time), Roz is closing in on the island of Tulun. Her last tweet indicated she was rowing her butt off to stay on the northern side of the island, while currents are pulling her toward the island. That was 10.5 hours ago. In ten-and-a-half hours, she may have covered 25-30 miles, so she is probably about 30-35 miles ENE of the island … simply too close for comfort. Depending on how far north she was able to get during the day, she might be just within spitting distance and risks drifting onto the atoll during the night if she were to sleep. HOW COULD SHE SLEEP?! I have a feeling she will row until she is solidly north and a bit west of the island. That could be the wee hours of the morning — and no moon to speak of as tomorrow is the new moon. I hope I am wrong and that Roz got well north so she has the safe distance for a sound sleep.
To David Tangye – look at the question in a positive way: that you are hoping that arriving in PNG constitutes a valid crossing of the Pacific. Sorry if it appeared to come across differently. It was a good question to ask, so thank you. Rita
Oh Roz and Rita!
Again, major kudos to you (both). I slept in my bed last night. I was not worried about running into a South Pacific atoll. I was not rowing. I was not thinking about not getting a spot in the Guinness book of World Records. You, on the other hand. Were. Amazing. Inspirational. Tremendous.
We, I, all of us are filled to bursting with admiration. In the Rozling Book of World Records you are tops! The heck with them. Let THEM try what you’re dong. You are the smart one with the sunshade. Sailing? Not quite!
Row Roz Row!
Cannot wait to bring you to Asheville.
with admiration,
Morning Rita and Roz,
Looks like baked Savage on the salty h20 today. Drats. Good news bad news- great news. Since Roz will be arriving on my guessed day( I will dial up the gauss strength in secret hidden magnet, to be sure) . There is going to be a Sport fishing Tournament in PNG. Yes , 35th GFA PNG NATIONAL GAME FISHING TITLES LAE 26th March to 5th April 2010. There will be national and international coverage. More boats (yuke), headaches and public opportunity for ocean awareness. Here is the web site. Little info on the geography of the fishing area. I do hope the batteries get charged nicely today . Good journey, extra smiles for the Rubber Necker’s. Be safe, be Savage, find something to laugh at today.
Words for the day: kow-tow-(KOW-tow)- to show respect, deference, or servility.
Legerdemain- (lej-ur-duh-MAME) illusions performed by a magician; sleight of hand.
Quote: Success is important to the extent that it puts one in a position to do more things one likes to do.
Sarah Caldwell
I believe you are your work. Don’t trade the very stuff of your life, time, for nothing more than dollars. That’s a rotten bargain. – Rita Mae Brown.
Bill, if the fishing tournament is on the dates you mentioned, surely it has already taken place?
Rita , Opps- I am busted- more sleep needed.Thank you , bill
Glad to hear your making great progress, a big relief I’m sure. Sorry to hear about the sun canopy being considered as an assistant that’s too bad, it seems like maybe they could make a rule for that like it can’t be over a certain size or something. 🙂
Thanks for the God quote, gave me great insight for my life today. Your great Roz keep up the great work and faith!!
WIth Love
She’s getting by very well