3 Jan, 06 – 19:56
For GPS position, race position and miles from La Gomera, see http://www.atlanticrowingrace.co.uk
A bad day on the water is better than a good day in the office, as the saying goes.
But in fact it has been a good day on the water, and I have been in excellent spirits today. It may not be nice to rejoice in the misfortune of others (schadenfreude), but my cheerfulness has been largely due to the fact that I’m no longer one of the millions putting on a suit and going to the office on the first day after the Christmas break.
For 11 years I was one of those millions, and I can remember the feeling of deep gloom at getting up in the dark on a cold January morning, trudging to the station and getting on a train full of equally gloomy commuters who are already planning their next holiday to give them something to look forward to.
So I may have saltwater spots on my bum, and I may be 2000 miles from my next hot meal, cold beer or decent shower, but I’d rather be here than on the Waterloo and City Line.
(With sincere apologies to anyone who loves their office job and sees this as a very negative view of office life. And commiserations to the rest.)

Other stuff:
Morale has been good, but progress has been slow. I want to go south. The wind wants to go west. We have an impasse. But of course the wind wins, so I’ve spent the day slogging cross-wind, with limited success.
Thanks for all the text messages. Keep them coming! Thanks especially to the Galls, Eddie-Lee, A&E, Pauline (iPod now fully recharged, thanks), John T (I’ll write the book if you can get me the book deal!), Rick (give me a break – I’m still warming up!), Sam K, R Westcott, DB, Gwenaelle and Hayden (love and hugs to you too).
Rita Savage’s PS: If some of you are wondering why some can send Roz text messages when you can’t, take a look at her website www.rozsavage.com for details.
One big change in the Roz of “then” and “now” is that she now phones me every day!
Wind: 15 kts, E
Weather: sun
Sea state: moderate to rough
Hours rowing: 10
For GPS position, race position and miles from La Gomera, see http://www.atlanticrowingrace.co.uk