4 Dec, 05 – 21:21
Latitude: 27° 25′ N
Longitude: 19° 21′ W
Miles from La Gomera: 138
Miles to Antigua: 2425
Miles since last dispatch: 30ish
Position in race: not known

It had been two and a half days since I last had a conversation (not counting conversations with myself or with Monty). The last proper-ish conversation was a 3 minute chat with Lin on the Woodvale yacht Aurora when they swung by on Friday morning. I’ve discovered the joy of talking books (currently listening to Douglas Adams book recorded for me by the Kiwi Sun Latte crew – thanks, guys) but it’s not the same as a proper natter.

So although I am quite enjoying my self-imposed isolation, it was really good to hear Mum’s voice when I rang her tonight. She told me about Andrew Morris’s concussion and their consequent withdrawal – gutted for them – and also gave me an update on my official mileage.

I’m a bit puzzled by this – my GPS did a weird and demoralising leap backwards last night on my trip log, which now contradicts my mileage from La Gomera. And both are different from the figure on the Woodvale site. So I’ll go with the Woodvale figure because it’s the most flattering…

138 miles in 4 days. Not bad, but considerably behind schedule for my performance-related bonus from ParadiseBet (see my home page). But no need for despair yet – I got off to a slow start due to seasickness, and am now settling into a more productive routine, so hopefully daily averages will improve. (But not if I spend too long writing dispatches…)

Everything is aching at the moment – back, shoulders, neck, forearms. What wouldn’t I give for a good massage right now – line me up with the finest masseur Antigua can offer – but today was a good day. Can’t believe I’ve been out here just 4 days – feels like forever my life has been the glittering blue ocean and this little silver boat.

Wind: almost none
Weather: sunshine
Sea state: flat
Hours rowing: 14
Hours sleeping: 6
Thought for the day: Pain is temporary, pride is forever

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