Posted by Rita Savage.

Position at 18.14 Thursday June 3rd Madang time: -05.28783SĀ  145.92007E

More visitors: aboard Sir Peter Barter’s motor yacht Kalibobo Spirit. A number of people from Madang arrived to give Roz a tremendous message of welcome – and a basket of fruit! They are looking forward to welcoming her to Madang in the morning.

Announcement: The name drawn from those who paid $100 or more in Nova’s recent contest is Joan Sherwood.


    Roz, I am so happy for you and so proud of you for completing your goal and crossing the Pacific Ocean, while making so many aware of the problems that plastics cause and how our enviroment is affected!

    There has been a spirit of constant prayer here by me for your safety and I am sure so many others have prayed for you as well. You make us so proud and I thank our Father for the blessings and for your safety.
    let me say only slightly in advance of your arrival, “Job well done by a beautiful lady with awesome courage and determination”!

    Congratulations! Your friend, Roger Finch

  • whoop whoop! congrats Roz. i will be celebrating your arrival in my own little way and will be there in spirit, greeting you with a hug and whatever the beverage is there that is named after it, like Sunset beers at Sunset beach, Pisco on El Pisco, etc, etc… Much love, congrats again, and look forward to seeing you soon***

  • Dearest Roz,

    Savor the last little bit of your Pacific row…your quest is nearly over!


    Have a wonderful stay in PNG. I’ve always wanted to visit there!

  • Congratulations on the amazing accomplishment, Roz, and to your mum and volunteer support team who have been such a huge help. I’m glad I could lend a little help even from land-locked Atlanta. And thanks for sharing the adventure. I know there are bigger ones ahead.

  • šŸ™‚ Happy landing Roz! What an Adventure, i’ve been glued to this site for over a month now!

  • Congrats on your landing Roz. A record now in the history of great adventures. Very proud of your journey. Rita, hugs and thanks for everything. We will all celebrate and give thanks to a great journey and safe arrival of Roz Savage.

  • Roz,

    Congratulations on completing this incredible next stage on your epic journey. And, thank you for sharing your experiences along the way. Living your journey vicariously provides glimpses into the beauty and challenges of our largely ocean covered world. Saddened and INSPIRED at the same time.
    Enjoy the respite.


  • Roz, you are amazing. You are an inspiration to the world. Your ability to kick in and do the hard work when things seem to be going difficulty is just phenomenal. Congratulations on a wonderful third leg, and accomplishment of the goal to be the first woman to row solo and unaided across the Pacific! And thanks for allowing us to share in this journey, to cheer you on during the difficult times, and to rejoice in your success on arrival in Madang.

    And to Rita (the long suffering mother šŸ™‚ ), thank you for a brilliant job as intermediary during this last leg. You have made your daughter and you yourself proud, with your exceptional skills and blogging prowess. Thank you for letting us be part of this journey.

    And to my fellow Rozlings. Thank you for your community, and the interesting times that we have shared during the journey.

    Three cheers for Roz. Hip hip houray. Hip hip houray. Hip hip houray.

  • i made it. exhausted, sore, stiff, but will be elated once i’ve got the energy! [48 minutes ago]

    Congratulations, Roz, on an amazing accomplishment!
    So far, your obit is look mighty fine. Proud of you ;-D
    Mayorships galore, next the Esteemed Sea Queen badge.
    And in your honor, Your Honor, a special haiku for you:

    intention or attraction
    surprise front row seat

    Thank you so much, Roz!
    Thank you too, Rita!

  • Congratulations Roz! What an accomplishment. I’m so glad you arrived safe and healthy. I hope you enjoy your month in Madang.

  • WOW, CONGRATULATIONS ROZ!!! You are truly one hell of a woman! Thank-you for all the Inspiration, Adventure, and Awareness you have provided all of us through your amazing actions!

    Funny thing, just earlier I was pulling some plastic out of the trash to put into recycling while “scolding” housemates, largely because of what you have inspired here.

    I am looking forward to hearing more about your future work, but for now
    Relax, Enjoy and Celebrate, YOU DID IT!!!!!

  • Congratulations Roz!

    I love your attitide and sense of humor as summed up in your recent tweet below. Brilliant!

    “into the last 10 miles. a cargo ship just stopped by to see if i needed help. no, i do this for fun!”

  • ROZ
    So proud of you – have a wonderful few weeks recuperating and enjoying the Papua New Guinea hospitality – you deserve it!

  • Ditto Richard and Doug. Great work Roz, you are an inspiration to us all. I’m afraid my obit will be a bit puny next to yours; but, thanks to your drive, we are all working on making better ones.

    What more is there to say, ya did it kiddo. On, On.

  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! You did it, Roz!! What an amazing accomplishment!! And look how many Rozlings have joined you in this amazing endeavour, and been inspired by you! Now rest, relax, then celebrate!! (Lifting a glass here in your honor, queen of the ocean!!)

  • Y-I-P-P-E-E! Huge congratulations, Roz. A truly extraordinary and inspiring achievement. I’m enormously relieved that you’ve made it safely, and rowed yourself into the record books (and I’m sure Rita is too! Big hugs to you both.)

    Have a wonderful and restful stay in PNG, you deserve every minute. And enjoy those ice-cold beers. I expect I’ll be having one here for you, too!

  • Well done, Roz; you’ve certainly come a long way since the start of your Atlantic crossing. Congratulations, serious hugs, and here’s to the next row!
    As always.

  • Here’s to you, Rita, a Supermum if ever there was one. Congratulations to you for your usual labour of love and especially with the added transcription service!
    As always

  • Roz’s journey has been one of the highlights of my life.

    This epic accomplishment has substantially affected what I expect from myself and my potential.

    Deep bows, Roz.

    Bill King

  • Bill King has put his finger succinctly on another achievement of Roz’s that really shouldn’t be overlooked – that of inspiring all of us to greater things, whatever those things may be in our own particular lives.

    Truly, the mark of a real champion …

  • ALOHA ROZ FROM OREGON! I am listening to you on the podcast right now! Sunday, you are sharing the arrival and the amazing Pacific Row!
    CONGRATULATIONS! Your Rozlings are very very proud of you and we
    have tears of joy… Keep up sharing the energy you have for the EARTH…
    and OCEANS… Peace, Hugs, Love, Smiles, Carol in Oregon

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