16 Jan, 21.00
For details on progress and position see the Atlantic Rowing Race site.
Roz phoned me just after 9 this evening to say that she just cannot get the gadgetry to work for sending a dispatch. Everything in the cabin is now so wet that she suspects that that is the problem. What she thought was wet before was merely damp by present conditions.
We were shocked to hear about American Fire and Team Sun Latte both suffering capsize and the teams having to abandon their boats. Roz did suffer a knock-down today, worse than the previous one on Thursday 5th January, but came upright again. She has great confidence in her boat and its ability to self-right. The para anchor and drogue both went overboard but she struggled and got them back on again.
Roz does not expect to sleep much tonight, and is also concerned about salt-water sores due to sleeping in a wet bed.
Steve in a message to us asked if Monty was still safely aboard. Yes, he is, though probably sulking in his damp corner.
This race is proving a tough experience not only for the rowers, but for those of us looking on. Pray that they remain safe.
PS Tuesday morning 8am GMT, still dark: A rough night, the boat rolling twice, and some damage to an oar. Hatch containing the jerry cans flooded – but Roz is leaving it that way, extra ballast in a central position. Waiting for daylight before investigating out on deck. She knows that the newer alpaca skin seat cover was ripped off its bindings.