After a tough week, today was outstandingly wonderful. It all averages out in the end!

It got off to a good start when I woke up to discover that the wind direction, for the first time since I left San Francisco, had an E in it. It was coming from a whisker East of North, helping me towards Hawaii. This was Very Good News.

Then, while I was doing my podcast with Leo Laporte this morning, I saw my first piece of ocean debris since I got away from the immediate vicinity of land. It was a small black mooring buoy, bobbing by about 10 yards away from my boat. Unfortunately I couldn’t photograph it because we were in the middle of recording. Although it was obviously not a good thing to see, it was noteworthy for being the first object I had seen – other than sea, sky, and the contents of my boat – for many weeks.

But the best “first” was this afternoon. I heard a snuffling sound and looked around to see a black fin arcing through the water just 20 yards away. I squealed and dashed to the cabin to get my camera. I just about managed to capture the creature on video, although I don’t think I’ll be winning any awards for cinematography any time soon. Then there was another one, and another. In all, five of the creatures passed by, most within just a few feet of the Brocade.

I think they were whales, about 8-10 feet long and black. Or it could be a porpoise or a dolphin, not sure. But the fact that they were traveling so far apart, and the snuffling sound, make me think whale.

Although, obviously, I remain zen and calm about these new developments, appreciating them as a privilege and not as a right – after weeks and weeks of unrelenting west winds, and an absolute dearth of marine life, today was almost more excitement than I could cope with, and while it lasts, absolutely fantastic!

Must run now. Want to make the most of these NNE winds while they last, so am off back to the oars.


The deadline is 14th July – UK time. So best do it now!

Go to and click on the Make a BLUE Pledge button. Costs you nothing, and it helps save the oceans – and the planet!

Thank you to all who have made the pledge already – and those who haven’t, please do it now! It’s all in support of the Marine Bill currently going through the UK parliament, but people of any nationality can make a pledge. After all, the oceans connect all of us!


Position at 1920 Pacific Time, 0220 13th July UTC: 26 25.248’N, 129

Click to see Day 49 of the Atlantic Crossing Frustrated Idleness – Roz coping with broken oars.
and another blog for Day 49 of the Atlantic Crossing

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