20 Jan, 06 – 21:37
News in brief: makeshift oars still holding up, shoulder still painful, wind dropping and hence so is speed. Main sponsor has fallen through so I am ?25,000 worse off than I thought I was. Shame – would have been handy for my next adventure. Maybe still time to find another title sponsor. Offers…?
Q from a texter: Which 4 famous people (alive or dead) would you invite to your special dinner party?
A: Good one! I like these questions – they help while away the long hours at the oars. So after much deliberation, here is my choice:
Jesus – I would have so many questions for him, starting with, ‘We know you were a pretty special guy, but were you really the son of God? And did you mean it when you said that the only way to him is through you? What about all the people who never got the chance to hear of you? Seems a bit harsh. And if there are other ways, could you please let everybody know so we can stop having religious wars?.’ And of course it would be handy to have him around in case we ran out of wine.
My father: I know he wasn’t famous, but I’d love to see him again to ask him some of the questions we never got around to before he died. And as a Methodist minister I know he’d love to ask Jesus a thing or two. Or maybe he already has.
Madonna: I admire her for the way she keeps reinventing herself, and her exploration of various philosophies and religions. She’s a fantastic role model. I bet she’d have a few questions for Jesus too. Might be a bit of a nightmare trying to provide her with macrobiotic food though – I’d have to find out what it means, first.
Michael Palin: I love his twinkly sense of humour. He would help lighten the mood if it all got too serious. He could give me some tips on how to make a living out of travel. And I’d love to know what Jesus thought of ‘Life of Brian’.
Texts: thank you to Marina ( very sweet of you to text me amidst all excitement of EDF arrival in Antigua – well done to the boys, and I’m sure all bits will quickly recover!), Caroline Haines, FDK (only difference – I get fewer texts at weekends – everyone goes off to have a good time and forgets about me! 🙁 , Martin Chambers (not listening to anything, alas – stereo kaput!), Brian, Duncan CB, John T (did you guess right?), Mike C (glad you enjoyed your Mornflakes!), Mark in Colorado, Clarkie, Judy at Univ (nice of you to say the college is proud of me – ‘fraid I didn’t help our Norrington ranking much! See you in NY), DB (are you getting my replies to your texts?), AJ (interesting you mention the Iditarod/Yukon Quest. Investigated it but need lifetime experience with dogs. However, do have related project lined up…), Adamski (photo requests tricky), Sam K, Tim Ratbag, James Oglethorpe (welcome!), Amanda Sealy, Hugh Hunter, Steve COTB (what book?!), Karen Luscombe (ah, if only you could text toast…), Thomas Richardson (Monty is ever so slightly damp – like everything else – but otherwise fine and looking forward to getting home to Southbourne Junior School).
For GPS position, race position and miles from La Gomera, see http://www.atlanticrowingrace.co.uk
Wind: E, 12 knots (estimate)
Weather: cloudy, sunshine, squalls
Sea state: moderate
Hours rowing: 9