Today was a good day for mileage. According to my logbook, I've covered
38 nautical miles (a nautical mile is 15% further than a statute mile)
and I crossed the line of latitude at 20 degrees north. I'm a bit
mystified as to why the mileage was so good – for most of the day there
has been very little wind, and I put in the same number of hours (10) as
usual, so there must have been a favorable current. Whatever the reason,
I'll say thank you very much, and I'll have some more of the same,
This afternoon the water was so calm that it felt almost like rowing on
a river. I used to row crew at Oxford University, and then for a few
years afterwards at Thames Rowing Club in London, and I loved those days
when the water was flat and the eight would be flying along. No
splashing, timing perfect and precise.
For a few hours this afternoon rowing the Pacific felt much the same.
Obviously these days my crew is reduced to one, and even the calmest day
there is a bit of ocean swell, but the boat was sitting level and the
rowing felt comfortable and almost (dare I say it?!) enjoyable. I'd
better keep quiet about this or everybody will be out here having a go!
As is becoming my habit, I hopped over the side a couple of times to
cool down with a refreshing swim. I really just want to be in the water,
and definitely don't want to lose the boat, so I either swim laps of the
boat, sticking close by, or else just hang onto the grablines and enjoy
the relative coolness of being in the ocean – and a change of scenery
from being inside the boat.
It's quite a strange feeling, to look across the surface of the water
from as close to sea level as it's possible to get, and imagine just
what lies beneath me. Not sure what the ocean depth is here, but it
could be up to 2 miles – definitely out of my depth, anyway! Literally
rather than metaphorically. It would be nice to picture the
waters teeming with life, although alas there is probably nowhere near
as much life as there would have been just a couple of decades ago,
thanks to our impact on the oceans.
It also occurred to me that I was quite probably the first person ever
to swim in this spot. I found that a fascinating thought – until I
realized that almost for sure I'm the first person ever to row across
this spot. I'm sure there are lots of places on earth where it's
possible to be the first human being in a particular location, but I
haven't been to very many of them, so this thought made me feel quite
P.S. For those who followed my adventure last year and recall me having
some difficulty getting back into the boat, I now have it down to a fine
art. Just in front of the aft cabin, the two oars – one in the guardrail
position and the other in the oarlock – provide a useful hand ladder. So
I grab hold of the lower oar, put my foot on the grabline rope that
loops around the side of my boat near the water, then put my weight on
the foot and grab the upper oar. From there it's easy to swing my other
foot over onto the gunwale and get back on board. Hey, maybe I'm getting
the hang of this ocean rowing thing! 🙂
[Photo: another shot of my feathered friend – for more info see below.
Sorry – I was going to take a water-level view of my boat, but my camera
battery had gone flat – doh!]
Books of the Day: listened to Julian Barnes's "History of the World in
10 1/2 Chapters" – brilliant. I read it years ago, during my old life in
London. The "Parenthesis" chapter (the "1/2" of the title), about love,
got me feeling quite sentimental…
Then up came Steven King. Don't know what possessed me to put SK books
on my iPod. "The Talisman" was being read in a rich American voice that
at first sounded really corny but then actually got quite scary, and I
decided it best to skip the rest and move on. Now back on Julian Barnes
and his autobiographical, and reassuringly titled, "Nothing to be
Frightened of". Phew.
Thanks today especially to:
– Marlene Depierre for the amazingly yummy and wholesome rawfood
crackers. She has made me a huge variety, all lovingly vacuum sealed and
labelled. The sunburgers are absolutely fantastic!
– Living Nutz – the Bodacious Banana Bread Walnutz are just amazing. How
can something this delicious also be healthy?!
– Mum – lovely to speak with you this morning. Thanks for the screen
shot of the RozTracker. Great to see what it looks like now it has live
data – now I don't feel so left out!
Rob Moir from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute for this feedback
on yesterday's hitchhiker:
"The bird on your boat is a fantastically good omen! I am so envious
you being permitted to be so close for so long to such a bird.
The bird looks to me like gannet which I see in the Atlantic. I
think the bird on your rail is a Masked Booby.
This is the largest booby, at 81-91 cm length, 152 cm wingspan and
1500 g weight. Adults are white with pointed black wings, a pointed
black tail, and a dark grey facemask. The sexes are similar, but the
male has a yellow bill, and the female's is greenish yellow; during
the breeding season they have a patch of bare, bluish skin at the base
of the bill. Juveniles are brownish on the head and upperparts, with a
whitish rump and neck collar. The underparts are white. Adult
plumage is acquired over two years.
The Masked Booby is silent at sea, but has a reedy whistling greeting
call at the nesting colonies. While on the breeding grounds, these
birds display a wide range of hissing and quacking notes."
My visitor made a "rrrr rrrr" sound a few times – not sure how this fits
in with the above, but he was very pretty regardless. Thanks, Rob.
{And no predictable jokes about boobies, please!)
Today's report:
Time: 2050HST
Position: 19 52.068N, 158 41.947W
Wind: Mostly none, with a couple of hours of N wind early afternoon, 1
hour of E wind late afternoon
Sea state: Variable, average 3 ft swell from N-NE
Weather forecast, courtesy of
The low pressure system north of Hawaii that has disrupted the trades
will move towards the far NE. High pressure fills in the north of the
Expect weak ENE-Eerly trade winds for Saturday and Sunday and slowly
increase on Monday. Midweek, expect winds in the 20kt range and wind
waves to build to 6 ft.
Forecast below is for a SSWerly course at 1.25kts (30nm/day). A Serly
route (180 deg T) is preferred.
Date/Time HST Wind kts Seas (ft)
29/1200-30/0000 NE-ESE 5-10 2-4
30/0000-31/0000 ENE-E 5-10 2-4
31/0000-01/1500 ENE-E 7-15 3-4
01/1500-04/1200 ENE-E 15-22 4-6
Sky conditions are mostly cloudy with mid to low level clouds. Isolated
to scattered rainshowers. Partial clearing after 31May.
I read your journal every day before I go to bed … wondering about possible time zone change coming up any time soon?
Glad you make so much progress. When I asked you last friday about your best rowing performance ever, you mentioned 42 miles, if I did the math correct .. you actually did 43.7 statute miles today! Thats amazing.
Mahalo for sharing your stories, so addicting …Aloha and be well. Harald
Favorable cuurents or wind can increase nautical miles significantly and that always propels the boat at an extraordinary rate. Your legs are probably in the ocean groove also and still full of energy. I hope tomorrow can also bring these perfect rowing conditions.
Roz, I live outside of Philadelphia and hope to introduce my 13 year old daughter to your adventure. Best
Apologies I if missed reading it somewhere – but where are you headed for this time? I seem to remember that at one time you were planning on Tuvalu, then I think I read something about Kiribati?
Or is it wherever the currents lead you? (They seem to be doing a good job of it at the moment!)
Do tell …
Hi Roz,
So glad to hear you found a solution for getting in and out of the boat! And that, unlike your departure from SF last year, you’re going with the winds and currents.
Row On!
Aloha Roz!
I am featuring your RozTracker on my blog today at and added your links to my site. Whenever you row past another added 100 miles from Hawaii…I will mention about your progress in my blog — all the way on your journey for 4400 miles to AUSTRALIA! …at least 44 times. See you at 200 miles from Hawaii soon. It’s exciting to be part of history in the making with a lovely person.
Roz, I feel that God is watching you row with big smile and guiding you all the way to TUVALU and AUSTRALIA.
Mahalo for being you,
Watch each moment
Before it slips away.
No need to rush
For the next one.
Teach that bird how to help row! We usually have them attacking our fishing lures… or on top of the mast. One bent our wind indicator and we didn’t notice for awhile and kept wondering why our sails weren’t looking so great…
Glad you got the climbing out of the water and back into the boat down – quite important!
How do you post a comment?
Dear Roz
It makes me nervous to see you swim without a cord attached to you.Please say you agree, and you will have a cord attached from now on.
Love, and God be with you. Brian
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the above note is in Chinese/Japanese- fascinating- how is this done-would love a translation if possible
I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts.
You have a great Blog!!! I just added you to my Google News Reader.
Look forward to reading more from you in the future.
Next month I will go to South America on Vacations, and spend 1 week in the amazon river in a Kayak.