Or is that at 140 (degrees West)?!

I am 40 years old. Old enough to know better than to go mucking about on oceans, you might think, but evidently not. And I freely confess that this is not exactly what I thought I would be doing at this age. The 16-year-old me would probably have envisaged the 40-year-old me as being married, living in a nice house, having a couple of kids and probably being back at work in some high-powered City job.

The 16-year-old me would have been shocked and appalled that I might be homeless, with no steady income, and no possessions to my name but a small silver rowboat. But as John Lennon said, life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

There was a formative moment for me when I had been working for Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) for about 6 months, and wanted to move into a different subdivision within the consultancy. “Oh no, you can’t do that,” I was told. “All your experience is in this area. It’s rather late to change your mind now.”

Already typecast at the age of 21? It didn’t seem right.

In fact, the people I most admire, the ones who appear to have got the most fun and fulfillment out of life, they all seem to have had several incarnations in one lifetime. They had tried all kinds of things, relishing the challenge of reinventing themselves – no matter what their age.

So that’s what I hope to do. For now I am an ocean rower using my adventures to campaign for the environment. For the future. who knows? Time for plenty more reinventions yet!

Other stuff:

Position at 2140 1st August Pacific Time, 0440 2nd August UTC: 23 58.612’N, 140 42.568’W.

Conditions were calmer than forecast today – wind almost non-existent this morning, heralding a hot afternoon with only the barest wisp of wind. Only this evening did it start freshening to something more respectable – I have no problem accepting a bit of wind assistance!

Chris Martin: a question: you said “Give it some beans” the other day, and now that phrase is stuck in my head and it’s annoying me because I don’t know what it means. Well, I know what it means, but not why beans means what it means. Know what I mean?! Why beans?

Antti – best wishes for your wedding, and for a happy future life!

Rod – glad the pecan pie is fuelling some serious workouts!

Well done to all the greenies – Rochelle, Dana, Karyn, Peter, Gene, Humphrey – and especially Roger. Great story!

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Click here to view Day 68 of the Atlantic Crossing 7 February 7 2006: The Rhythm of Life – a day’s routine.

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