27 February 2006
Roz, when I last spoke to her ten days ago, was very eager to reach the end of the voyage in less than 100 days. The question now is whether she will or not.
Looking at her mileage for days 79 to 89, she was averaging 38.4 per day. She has another 366 miles to cover in the remaining days from 90 to 99. That gives an average of 36.6 miles needed per day. She can do it! That would please the children of the Island Academy, as she would probably arrive on a weekday some time next week.
It would please me too, as it gives me time to reach Antigua before she gets there. It has been an anxious time wondering what she is thinking and how she is feeling. Before she left she gave me instructions about what to do if there was no news of her at some stage. Thus I was left with the dilemma when her satphone no longer worked: was she needing me to alert the race organisers and rescue services, or was she hoping and praying that I would not act too hastily and call them out unnecessarily. I just had to know whether she was actually on the boat and that it was not moving with the wind and the waves. I felt troubled in case Roz was desperately longing for me to act whilst I just sat at home watching figures on a computer screen.
I trust that I did the right thing by doing nothing. People have been very good at assuring me that all is well, both in email messages (thank you) and the Woodvale race organisers. I shall be extremely happy to give her a great big hug at English Harbour, Antigua, next week!