I’m usually too busy trying to keep up with my own life to be very good at reading other people’s blogs. However, there are five blogs that I read regularly, and would like to recommend. I receive all of them via email into my Inbox, significantly increasing my chances of actually reading them.
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1. The Positivity Blog, Happiness and Awesomeness Tips that Work in Real Life, by Henrik Edberg
I always save these into Evernote for future reference. Thoughtfully written, the blog offers sensible tips and inspiring quotes to help you deal with the challenges of life in a positive and uplifting way. Very highly recommended.
Recent inspirational topics include How To Be Less Stressed In Everyday Life, How To Become A Person Of Action Starting Today, How To Handle Criticism, and How To Create An Awesome Life.
As well as lots of great free content, Henrik also offers Premium Courses and Guides. I haven’t tried them out yet, so would be interested to hear of other people’s experiences.
2. The Adventure Blog, by Kraig Becker
My go-to resource for the latest news on adventure, extreme sport, exploration, and cool gear, The Adventure Blog comes out a couple of times a week on average. Kraig does a great job of rounding up the hot topics, and often features jaw-dropping videos of people pushing the boundaries of human potential (and occasionally human self-endangerment).

3. Max Daniels blog, home of “Stuff My Zen Teacher Says”
I first met Max during the Pleiades retreat in New England last year, when she offered her services as a life coach. I enjoyed her down-to-earth approach, and signed up for her blog which has continued to deliver value, insights and humour ever since. She specialises in coaching on food, weight loss and money, but has wise and funny things to say on many subjects, with an inquisitive let’s-try-this-and-see-if-it-works kind of attitude to new theories of human potential.
4. The Silver Pen, by Hollye Jacobs
I met Hollye last year, when I was passing through Santa Barbara and she very kindly offered me hospitality at her gorgeous home. Hollye is a breast cancer survivor who chose to use her illness as a springboard for an unfailingly upbeat blog, finding the silver lining in everything. I confess that I have not read the entire back archive, but I suspect that it started as a way to keep

herself focused on the positive during her treatment, and has evolved into a way to help others find the silver linings during their own life challenges. Forbes voted it one of the top 100 websites for women in 2012, although I don’t see why men wouldn’t enjoy it too. Regular features include Friday Fixin’s and Sunday Sweetness, as well as lots of great and inspiring quotes.
5. The TED Blog, by various writers including TED Curator Chris Anderson
I met Chris and the rest of the TED gang when I spoke at TED Mission Blue (or click on embedded link below) a couple of years ago. Even before then, I was addicted to TED Talks, the 18-minute nuggets of some of the world’s foremost thinkers giving the talks of their lives. This may or may not be a good thing, but now when somebody recommends a nonfiction book to me, TED has become my first port of call. Chances are that the author has given a talk, and instead of spending days reading the book, I can get the crash course while I eat my dinner!
Some other time I will post a blog about my favourite TED Talks, but if you only ever watch one, this is my all-time favourite – Jill Bolte Taylor on her experience as a neuroscientist witnessing her own stroke. It has had nearly 9 million views, and if you watch it, you will see why. Mind-expanding!
Other Stuff:
(Featured image of Southwark Bridge, taken on my iPhone) For anybody coming to London for the Olympics, bring a brolly! Designer wellies are now also de rigueur for the trendy young things. While the US swelters, we are experiencing one of the wettest summers on record. John Hammond of the BBC explains why. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions about unusual weather….
My TED Talk.