I am bracing myself for a couple of crazy months of travel and speaking, starting in just a few days from now. Blog posts may be fewer and further between while I am on the road, but I will do my best to keep you up to date with my adventures. Or, if you find yourself in the vicinity of any of the events listed below, I would love to see you in person!


TEDxYale – 23rd February in New Haven, CT. I’m on stage in the final session of the day, which starts at 3.45pm in the Schubert Theater – although of course it would be wonderful if you can come for the whole day.

The blurb says: “The theme of this year’s conference is “Solve for y.” As a theme, “Solve for y” challenges our speakers to do two things: explain their unique “y,” the key ingredient to their ambition and inspiration, and tell us “why” it is significant. We’re looking for speakers with both extraordinary work and extraordinary purpose. The “y,” as opposed to other variables, also references the speakers’ common ground, Yale.”

My talk will be on the subject of The Prosperity Paradigm, a new way of measuring human progress, moving away from financial measurements towards a more holistic measure of wellbeing. I will explore the concept of happiness, why it matters, and how it can help us create a better, more sustainable future.


Lecture at Syracuse University, NY – 27th February. 7.30pm in Hendricks Chapel. I will be talking on “The Human Condition: An Ocean Rower’s Perspective”.


Speaking tour for the Royal Scottish Geographical Society – 4th-13th March.

4th March, 7.30pm at University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Aberdeen

5th March, 7.30pm at University of Dundee, Perth Road, Dundee

6th March, 7.30pm at Carnegie Hall, East Port, Dunfermline

7th March, 7.30pm at Appleton Tower, University of Edinburgh, Crichton Street, Edinburgh

11th March, 7.30pm at The Highland Council Chamber, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness

13th March, 7.30pm at Logie Lecture Theatre, University of Stirling, Stirling


St Peter’s Hospice, Bristol – 15th March. Fundraising event. Contact me for further details.


I Can Do It! Ignite Conference in San Jose, California – 17th March. Keynote 5.20-5.40pm – “The Human Condition: An Ocean Rower’s Perspective”.


Planet & Oceans Lecture on 20th March in Vero Beach, Florida for ORCA (Ocean Research and Conservation Organisation). Tickets available here.


Opening of Sedna exhibit on 4th April at ExplorOcean in Newport Beach, California. My rowboat will be on exhibition in Newport Beach for the foreseeable future.


Interview live and online for Spring of Sustainability on 11th April. Details to be confirmed nearer the time.


Speech at inaugural YaleWomen Conference in Washington, DC, on 19th April. Sorry, only open to Yale women alumnae. The theme is Vision, Values, Voice: Women Changing a Changing World, and the conference will feature a conversation with Justice Sonia Sotomayor ’79 J.D., Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and speakers including Donna Dubinsky ’77 (CEO, Numenta), Arianna Huffington (Editor-in-chief, Huffington Post), and Anna Maria Chavez ’90 (CEO, Girl Scouts of the USA).


Peace Boat from 18th to 27th May, giving 3 presentations on board during the days at sea on this, the 79th voyage of the project. During my time on board, the ship will travel via:

St Petersburg, Russia

Helsinki, Finland

Tallinn, Estonia

Riga, Latvia

Copenhagen, Denmark

Bergen, Norway


West Cork Literary Festival, Bantry, Ireland, from 7th-12th July. Details to be confirmed nearer the time.


I feel quite exhausted just writing this list. And it hasn’t even started yet! Thankfully, last week I had a chance to take some time out and recharge the batteries when I went on a short vacation to Finland with my mother to see the Aurora Borealis, a lifelong ambition for both of us. Amazing! If you’re fascinated by the aurora, check out this book written by a friend of mine, Tatiana Slepukhin.

And finally, a link to a nice interview with the Well-Travelled Postcard conducted a few weeks ago at the Adventure Travel Show in London.

Roz and Rita about to go for a reindeer sleigh ride
Aurora! Photo courtesy of Andrew Lovell



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