I’ve just got back from one of the best day’s diving I have ever experienced. The water was clear, the corals were prolific and colourful, in every shape you can imagine. But best of all were the enormous sea anemones – I swear one was as large across as I am tall – with their cute little resident clownfish squiggling around between their tentacles. If it’s possible to grin broadly while sucking on a scuba regulator, then that’s what I was doing.

Today served to remind me, more than ever, how wonderful our oceans are when you get beneath the surface. During the crossing I was all too aware that 99.9% of the interesting stuff was going on invisibly beneath me. If only more people could see what I’ve seen today, I think we would all cherish the oceans so much more.

I don’t have time to write more now – I’ve been invited to dinner to meet some new people – but will share some underwater wildlife photos in a couple of days when I receive them from Jan Messersmith, my host for today’s dive. Thanks to Jan for a wonderful day.

Gotta run!


  • For the Indian Ocean row, it would be nice for you to have a little permanently-mounted underwater video cam with a cheap LCD screen. Would be fairly easy to mount, inexpensive, and would give you a different perspective of the world around you. You could get to know the little creatures tagging along, and anything that might make their day exciting.

  • Awesome in Abaco as well! I just could not get enough last weekend!! Huge grouper, 50 foot diameter coral, sea rays, absolutely gorgeous. Too bad the oil leak will be ruining so much pristine waters, they must use any possible means to stop it. Glad you are having fun. Hope to see you next year!!

  • I can’t express enough how jealous I am! I do diving, but I’ve never been in the south pacific. Your inspirational and courageous work has become my great guide to continue my research on CCS. I am hoping we will have a peaceful world someday and have enough courage to cherish the world around us. We will need to become self-sustainable. Thank you.

  • I’m so glad to hear your R&R involves grinning from ear to ear under the seas Roz we’re all still out here green deeding it up and enjoy tagging along
    Thanks for the excellent adventures and hard work…it will pay off and forward for sure

  • Hi Roz,

    Congradulations again on your wonderful journey. Hope to see you back in Hood River soon. Enjoy the land under your feet.

  • Hey Roz! Good going! Enjoy your visit with the locals. The diving sounds wonderful. I’m off to go hiking with my dogs. Come back to LA for a longer visit! -S

  • A rather frustrated Lesley has been trying to get a message to Roz using the contact form. I received her message, but my reply to her email address was sent back as being undeliverable. Lesley, if you read this comment, please try again. I am at present forwarding messages to Roz. Rita Savage.

  • Last night I attended an event overlooking the ocean. As we gazed out over the vast ink black darkness, I tried to imagine being out in the middle of it, completely alone in a row boat.

    Not in a million years, not for a million dollars. That kind of intrepid tenacity eludes my imagination.

    Rita, your steadfast role in all this is to be highly commended. Maybe sometime you can shed some light on how you managed to raise such courageous daring daughters!

  • Congrats Roz! Well done! Remember me? Had a lovely day with you in Vail last February and accompanied you as you spoke at a school. Your comment about, “If only more people could see…” made me think about a growing problem with many children. As an education consultant, I’ve been intrigued with author Richard Louv’s book: “Last Child In the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder.”(http://richardlouv.com/last-child-woods) His research has led him to the belief that since many children spend so little time in nature, their brains aren’t wired “right.” Not only does this lack of outdoor experience result in health problems (obesity!), but may also contribute to Attentional Disorders (ADD) and ultimately A LACK OF AN APPRECIATION OR CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! In my workshops for teachers I stress the importance of first-hand, outdoor play experiences as a key to brain growth and development. Many children in technologically advanced cultures are spending too much time indoors. The challenge is: How can we get children to be motivated to save and protect something with which they may have little connection and appreciation? Some of us are encouraging a “No Child Left Inside” initiative! My best to you – wish I was diving along side of you!

  • Congratulations Roz! I interviewed you several years ago in Salt Lake City before your first attempt. I’ve been following your journey ever since. Peace be with you.


  • Hi Roz…congratulations!

    Need to change the footer on your blog, from “attempting to become the first woman” to “is the first woman”…u r totally awesome.

    Rozta’ Bill

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