Watch the video – 350.org – In Every Corner Of The Globe
Saturday, Oct 24 is a global day of action on climate change organized by 350.org. The event is turning into a phenomenon – their website is already showing an amazing outpouring of positive action all around the world since the day of action started in the mid-Pacific several hours ago.
I am a 350.org Athlete, so this is a big day for me – so what will I be doing? I shall be in London for the Bigger Picture – Festival of Interdependence, and in Jubilee Gardens underneath the London Eye for the main 350 event, speaking alongside Bianca Jagger. After she and I have delivered our words I will join the assembled hordes to form a giant figure “5” to go with the “3” and the “0” in other major cities around the world.
The weather forecast isn’t great (I mean for London for tomorrow, as well as for the world for the foreseeable future…), but hopefully our intrepid eco-warriors will not be deterred by a little drizzle – after all, if I can row across oceans for climate change, there are no excuses! If you’re in town, come and join us!
And if you’re not in town, then sign the online petition here.
I’m also quite proud that I was instrumental in the last-minute addition of Kiribati to the list of 175 nations taking part. Thank you to John and Linda Anderson of Kiribati Video for making it happen.
Here’s what 350.org founder Bill McKibben has to say about tomorrow…
“Saturday’s the day — October 24, the International Day of Climate Action. So join the nearest 350 action knowing you’ll be part of something big. Very big, in fact. This campaign has gone viral–there will be over four thousand events taking place simultaneously in over 175 nations. As far as we can tell, you’ll be part of the single most widespread day of political action about any issue that our planet has ever seen. There are too many incredible events to list in one place, but here are some of the highlights:
In Cambodia, citizens from across the country will gather at the famous Angkor Wat to take a giant 350 action photo.
In Hungary, hundreds of bathers will jump into the public baths in Budapest and do a 350 synchronized swimming performance.
In Nepal, over a thousand young people and monks will march to the Swayambhunath world heritage site temple where they will form a large 350 with traditional lanterns.
In the United States, 350 people will dance to Michael Jackson’s Thriller in Seattle — because if we don’t stop global warming, we might as well be undead.
In Panama, indigenous youth will lead a moonlight vigil in Kuna Yala, their vulnerable low-lying islands off the coast of Panama, forming a 350 at sunrise.
When you’re out there marching or rallying, biking or kite-flying, singing or taking part in whatever is going on in your community, take a minute and try to imagine all the other people doing the same kind of things all around the world–every one taking the same basic scientific fact and driving it into the public consciousness.
350 is the most important number in the world–scientists have told us that it’s the most carbon dioxide we can have in the atmosphere, and now we’re making sure everyone knows. We’ll be taking photos from all the events, projecting them on the big screens in New York’s Times Square, and delivering them to major media outlets and hundreds of world leaders in the coming weeks. The combined noise from these events will ensure that world leaders who gather next month at the UN climate talks in Copenhagen to create the world’s new plan on climate change will hear our call. They will know that when negotiating the fate of our planet, there is a passionate movement out there which will hold them accountable.
After your event on Saturday, check out www.350.org, where we will show a glorious slideshow of photos from events in every corner of the earth. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished.
And if you have any doubts about where the fun in your neighborhood is on Saturday, check out this link to find an event near you.
Bill McKibben for the 350.org crew”
Roz, I have been checking the photos that have already been coming in at http://www.350.org
The latest count, there are over 5200 events taking place today in 181 countries … that’s right, the count is now 181 countries. Enjoy the day. I am about to head out for my first event here in my town Hayward, and later today there will be a convergence in San Francisco for a huge event and photo shoot at 3:50 PM. Glad to see Kiribati is having two events. Thanks for helping make it happen.