The scent of pine needles rose from the cobbles as the religious procession passed somberly by, and mingled with the smell of hot dogs from the fast food stands thronging the town square. Ponta Delgado is in fiesta mode, and the sacred and profane rub shoulders together quite happily.
It’s been a fun stopover in the Azores. We arrived at the same time as a few other crews who have now become good friends. We’ve explored the island and bathed in natural hot springs in a pool surrounded by lush green fronds and mosses. And we’ve thoroughly checked out the local bars, restaurants and nightlife.
But now I’m itching to move on. The weather is becoming more favourable, and after filling up on cooking gas and picking up a few fresh provisions tomorrow morning, we should be on our way again, on the last leg of Steamy Windows journey back to the UK.
I’m scheduled to do my second radio interview with BBC Radio Solent on 11 May, live on the breakfast show via satphone. By then we should have a fair idea of when we will arrive in Southampton. I’ll also post an update to my website nearer to the time. All welcome to come and say hi and buy Russ a well-earned drink to celebrate the completion of his two-year circumnavigation.