Given our current preoccupation with unusually high numbers of bergy bits and other ice fragments off the coast of Newfoundland this year, it seems poignant that we have just passed the one hundredth anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.

On 15th April 1912, the RMS Titanic went down with the loss of 1,514 lives during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, the largest loss of life at sea during peacetime.
At nearly 883 feet long, the Titanic did not bear a strong resemblance to Bojangles, which measures 23 feet. Her rudder alone was 78 feet high – more than three times the length of our little Bo.
On the one hand, being small could be an advantage if it statistically reduces our chances of making contact with ice. On the other hand, the Titanic was made of one-inch-thick steel, while Bo is made of a much thinner sandwich of foam between layers of carbon/kevlar weave.

It was claimed that the Titanic was unsinkable, but Mother Nature has a way of making a nonsense of the hubristic claims of men. You can be sure that we will be very circumspect before launching ourselves upon a hostile North Atlantic. and team, here is a picture (link) of James Cameron, the director of the movie The Titanic with one of Roz’s Blue marbles ( Two of my blue marbles …Roz’s marbles were bigger than mine… are being used as one way valves for ventilation of the aft cabin for Bojangles :)Row Girl Row!
You are feeling your intuition deeply, Roz, for days now. Heed what you feel.
it’s not too late to leave from the Carribean…
Well, hasnt little Bo already come close to sinking from SFO to HI on one of the fist attempts? This would tell me you are not deluded! You know your limitations, However; you also know your capibilities! You have ventured much further than the Titantic ever did. You have gone places some can only dream of. Be confident in your skill, the skill of those who make up your team of people, and know that you have people all over the world that believe you are one person that is able to accomplish this task!
Not exactly. Sedna (my boat) capsized on the first attempt to row from California to Hawaii. Bojangles is a different boat entirely.
But you are completely right in saying that I have an amazing team, and good instincts, and we will make the right decision.
Have you been out to get close to one of the little bergs? The other difference between you and the Titanic are the forces involved…mass, momentum. Thinking about those things popping in a rough sea is sobering for sure.