Some people have been asking me to post an itinerary online so they can see in advance where my travels will take me. So here is my provisional plan for the next few weeks – and beyond:

Have rucksack, will travel....


July 24-26: Phnom Penh

July 27-29: Manila, Phliippines, to give presentation to Young Presidents’ Organisation

July 30-Aug 6: Palawan, Philippines – two presentations at the El Nido Resort, where I will be a guest of Mr Vince Perez, chairman of WWF Philippines

Aug 7-Aug 13 – Probably Hanoi, Vietnam, but still TBC

Aug 14-18: Hong Kong – presentations to Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club and Royal Geographical Society (organised by Doug Woodring of Project Kaisei)

Aug 19: Sail from Hong Kong to Long Beach on board the container ship Hatsu Courage (booked through London agency Cruise People)


Sept 3: Arrive Long Beach

Sept 8: Arrive Asheville, NC, for start of speaking tour of US/Canada – more details will be published when my schedule is finalised. Check in at this blog around Sept 6.

Sept 8-Sept 21: Asheville, Atlanta, Dallas, Washington DC

Sept 22-25: Climate Ride California from Eureka to San Francisco

Sept 26-Oct 18: Resume speaking tour of US/Canada: San Francisco, Vancouver, San Diego, Minneapolis, New York

Oct 19-24: Coastal Rowing Championships in Istanbul, Turkey


Oct 25: Arrive London for Plastic: Where Do You Think It Goes? events

Until Jan 14: around the UK, possibly also Ireland



Jan 14-Jan 24: Sydney

Jan 25-Feb 4: Ushuaia and Antarctica (speaking on board National Geographic Explorer cruise ship for Lindblad Expeditions)

Feb 5-15: Brisbane

Feb 16-23: Melbourne

Feb 24-March 31: Fremantle

March 31: launch on Indian Ocean


Sept-Oct: speaking tour of Norway, Germany, France, Belgium, possibly UK

And apart from that, my time is my own….


  • It sounds like you will be busy! Good for you!
    I finally got down and obtained samples of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico: the beaches are cleaned continually and there was no oil in the water at Grand Isle or the Port of Fourchon. This is good news for Louisiana! Police are keeping people off of the beaches though.

  • “I was fed up with the corporate hi-life; having the proper car and going to the posh places.” (or something like that) How different from these days where we are presenting at the Tiki Tacki resort where we’ll be the guest of Prince Political. Then off to VietNam, a kingdom of plastic where they will serve you a nice fresh fish. You can tell that it’s fresh because they don’t boil the head leaving the the gils and mouth operational while the diners pluck the flesh with chop sticks. Mmmm Yummy. Now when someone speaks of a Rim it would normal to assume a hole in the middle and in the case of the Pacific Rim we find the charming Philippines. Great place to get a tattoo. They have beautiful coral and reef fishes both of which are for sale. You will have a big job convincing those Ecco thugs anything. Roz, I really care about you and I believe you are sincere. I just hope you will see the people at large and not be captured by the first class syndrome because you are heading for the corner of the world where fooling the white person is a matter of pride. Take it easy.

  • Norm – I will be in Vancouver for at least one event. Please check back in on this blog at the start of September for details.

    Texino – oh purleeese. I thought you would know me better by now. If I boycotted every country in the world that indulged in eco-unfriendly practices, I would be doomed to spend the rest of my days confined to my rowboat in the middle of the ocean. How can I try to change the world if I refuse to engage with most of it?

  • Roz, nice rugged boots. Look very similar to my low tops. Keen!
    Aren’t yours the winter model? Are they a bit hot in those climes?
    And the ginormous watch! Please remind us the make and model 🙂

  • The boots are indeed my beloved Keens. But the watch isn’t mine – it’s Nick’s. Don’t know what it is.

    My watch, though, is highly recommended. Casio G-Shock Pathfinder. Solar powered, with compass, altimeter (useful on mountains) and barometer (useful for doing NASA S’COOL data recording!). Very kindly bought for me by a fan when I lost my previous Pathfinder overboard when the strap broke. I love it!

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