No rest for the wicked. Before my calluses have even started to peel off, I am already starting to plan for the Indian Ocean row, due to start in March 2011. And I need your help.
I am not asking you for money. No, I intend to earn the funds that I need, but I hope you might be able to help me to do so. I would love to organise a series of speaking engagements in the US and Canada for September/October this year, to further my environmental mission and hopefully earn a few dollars along the way. But I can’t possibly handle the logistics for a tour entirely on my own. I need to turn to my Rozlings for help with booking venues, liaising with local media, spreading the word and generally being my local point of contact.
So if you have a company, a club, an organisation, school, society, or even just a bunch of interested friends who would like to hear me speak, please get in touch via the contact form on this website. You’re not committing to anything at this stage. I’m just looking for expressions of interest.
Depending on the kinds of responses I get, I plan to put together a set of packaged options, including financial arrangements, publicity materials, and a step-by-step guide to organising an event. I will make sure that we find a way to make it work financially, regardless of the kind of event, provided that we can cover my travel and accommodation costs and raise a few bucks for my next expedition.
And hopefully have an interesting, informative and entertaining time into the bargain!
(If you’re in Europe, I’m planning a speaking tour there for next year, so watch out for more details nearer the time.)
Other Stuff:
As promised, here are some photos from my awesome diving trip on Saturday. Dive and photos courtesy of Jan Messersmith. Thanks, Jan, for a day to remember. And check out Jan’s blog too – he got some fantastic photos of my arrival in Madang!

Howdy Roz,
I do not have a group but I would love to be a paid participant at a talk near me. Please post as many talks as you can along with location.
It is amazing what you have done and I would love to hear some personal stories.
Roz, if you are interested in reading children’s books, I’ve written 3 so far. They are in the process of being edited and illustrated, and my (very fledgling) company started in March. Metro Ink. The books are pro-environment, but hopefully not preachy. If you get a chance to look at the website under “Inspiration” you will see that you are the hero. Ever since you wrote “Dream Big” as the inscription on my copy of “Rowing the Atlantic” I have been doing just that. But I’m dreaming big for you and hope Oprah gets her hands on you first. You’ll be world famous and too bloody expensive for us to hire. 🙂
Your fan from Powell’s in Portland, Susie (My brother works for Leo at TWiT)
“…cover my travel and accommodation costs and raise a few bucks for my next expedition.”
Sounds like like you need a venue of at least 300 seats…like a church, maybe? Would love to have you in Atlanta.
-Rozta’ Bill
At this writing, I have had close to fifty of my friends do this… if you are a Roz supporter. Please take twenty seconds to do this… my hope is if the producers of the Oprah Winfrey show get enough emails, one may decide to click on it. click or go to Roz fits all of what Oprah showcases minus the drama trash…. plug in the required name, email, address, then type “” only. Let`s see what becomes of it… Bravo Roz! It`s just a matter of time now!
Brocade finally out of water:
Yes – absolutely. And we are close enough to Atlanta to put them as back to back stops.
Asheville would LOVE to host you. And Deb and Michael (from Woodberry Forest School) are moving here so we could put on a bang-up show for you here.
Count us in. In INK.
Laurey in Asheville
Hi Roz, I am 50 years old and new to rowing and I love it. I just bought an old Alden Martin trainer and have taken it out twice. I had it out yesterday for 3 hours in the morning and paid the price in the afternoon, feeling beatup and sunburnt ( I wore 50 sunblock.) The first time I went rowing it rained and a thunderstorms hit the area. Yesterday there were 20-30 mph winds and the lake had waves with whitecaps. Both times I rowed anyway, and thought of you. Knowing you went through far worse on your journeys. Actually for me the rowing isn’t the hard part, its the launching as the lake I row at has no easy accessible launching beach and the dock is very high so that the rig cannot hang over. I’m trying to think of an easier way. I’m building a trailer for my boat so I can launch it myself. Currently it is transported on the roof of my truck so my boyfriend has to help. But I am commited to rowing. Its the perfect exercise. I work as an artist which is not very athletic, so I want to row as much as possible.
I live in North Carolina in a small town near Charlotte. Charlotte does have a rowing club. I hope they contect you for a speaking engagement as I will definately attend. Charlotte is 2 hours from Asheville, NC.
Count me in, Roz.
I’m in too! My friend who helps me with the sharpener business just started rowing last year (at age 50) – I’m sure quite a few of her fellow rowers would love to come hear you speak. I hope you’re getting some rest!
Rozlings – Check out the ebay store for your laser engraved pocket-sized “Roz” sharpener – all 100% of the proceeds go directly to Roz.
Do you have some sort of outline of the topics that you are concerned with and your outlook of same.Ive just learned of your “row” and have no idea of what you would like to talk about and what you might say.I hitched all over southern africa when I was 23 and got pretty familar with the lay of the land there at the time ,so I appreciate your perspective just dont know what you are concerned with and knowledgeable of.Thanks
Please pencil in Dallas, Texas for your Traveling Roadshow. I will help organize as large an audience as possible to meet and greet you, to hear your message and to raise some big bucks for yourself and the Indian Ocean adventure. Plus, I’ll get to finally meet you and take you to that dinner I had to miss in Vail. Give me the dates when you know them, broad ranged now and narrowed down as we get closer.
All the best,
Great Job Roz. Lets lock horns when you’re next online and in the states. I have a few contacts that may be useful for speaking engagements both here in SF and in London and some ideas to get the ball rolling. safe journey back. R
Go ahead and ink in… San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Bolinas, Davis, Sacramento, South Lake Tahoe… that is of course, if Oprah does not find you first! ~ j
Jay, let’s collaborate on those and other East Bay and Central Valley venues.
Wow, what an amazing response – already! I will be following up with you all by email so we can start putting some dates in the diary. I’ll also start working on a standard package of publicity materials etc. But rather up to my eyes in interviews and boatcleaning today – and of course it’s Oceans Day as well, so I am much in demand. Which is nice!
DC Johnson – I generally talk about my adventures, and what they have taught me about life and the world. Depending on the audience, I give it a greater or lesser environmental spin. For more information see
Great idea about nominating Roz to be a speaker on Oprah – I’ve just done it myself – Roz is everything they are looking for as a guest – clever, funny, beautiful, courageous, strong, independent and adventurous!
I could do something in Vancouver BC, so let us know next steps.
I have been tweeting Oprah, Larry King, Bill Maher, Huffington Post since October. If more of us take time to do it who knows how far Roz can go?
OK, Laurey… you beat me to the punch – I was just getting ready to call you and say, let’s host Roz at Laurey’s (!!!) when I read your comment and laughed out loud. Count us in!
Roz, though Michael and I are leaving Woodberry and moving to Asheville, I will pass this message on to our colleagues here in hopes that you can return in the fall and speak to the boys. It will be a whole new group of kids since your last visit, but they know all about you through our email updates. Just today, we gave Ava a copy of your book and the signed photo you sent last winter. She was thrilled!
CONGRATULATIONS on your successful Pacific row – we are thrilled for you and the oceans. Love, Deb, Michael, Madison, Buddy & Sallie.
P.S. See you in Asheville!
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