rowing the atlanticWith just 2 days to go before the publication of “Rowing The Atlantic”, we are finalizing the details of the book tour. 14 days, 7 cities, 12 book signings and 15 interviews – and hopefully many copies sold! I’ve never done a book tour before, but have been very impressed with Simon & Schuster’s organizational abilities. In each city I have an “escort” (!) to make sure that I am on time for all my appearances.

If I could change one thing, it would be to spend more time in each city. I have friends all over the US – both personal friends and online friends – and it would be lovely to have a week in each location to chill out and catch up, in a kind of lap of honor around the country. But the idea behind a book tour is to have a veritable media blitz, which requires hitting them hard and hitting them fast to keep the momentum going, so alas it is rather a whirlwind of a schedule!

We have entered all my appearances in the Events Calendar on this website, but it is a feature of the calendar widget that all events have to be entered in a single time zone, which currently is set to Hawaii time. Personally, I find this rather confusing, so fearing that you might similarly be confused, I’m taking this opportunity to present a definitive list of the details. The information is also presented more clearly on the Events page of this site.

Book signing in New York

When: Tue, October 6, 7pm – 8pm
Where: Barnes & Noble, 2289 Broadway @ 82nd St. (map)
Description: Presentation for for 15-20 minutes followed by Q&A, then signing. Come along, and bring your friends! Store Phone: (212) 362-8835

Book signing in Los Angeles

When: Thu, October 8, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: Latitude 33 Bookshop, 311 Ocean Avenue, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (map)
Description: Presentation for 15-20 minutes followed by Q&A, then signing. Hope to see you there!

Book signing at South End Rowing Club, San Francisco
When: Fri, October 9, 7pm – 9pm
Where: South End Rowing Club, 500 Jefferson Street (@ Aquatic Park), San Francisco (map)
Description: Organized by Green Apple Books A gorgeous venue on the water, in a clubhouse crammed with rowing memorabilia. This event should be one of the highlights of the book tour. Hope to see you there!

Book signing at The MakeOut Room, San Francisco
When: Sat, October 10, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Where: The MakeOut Room, 3225 22nd St., San Francisco (near Mission Street) (map)
Description: Writers With Drinks has won “Best Literary Night” from the San Francisco Bay Guardian readers’ poll five years in a row and was named “Best Literary Drinking” by the SF Weekly. The spoken word “variety show” mixes genres to raise money for local worthy causes. Roz will talk for 12-15 minutes. (Bookseller: Green Apple Books). The other authors who will be at this event are: Anthony Swofford, Doug Dorst, Linda Watanabe McFerrin and Joe Loya.

Book signing at Books Inc, San Francisco
When: Sun, October 11, 3pm – 4pm
Where: Books, Inc. (Marina Store), 2251 Chestnut Street (map)
Description: Presentation for for 15-20 minutes followed by Q&A, then signing. The third and final book event in San Francisco. Your last chance!

Book signing in Portland, OR

When: Mon, October 12, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Where: Powell’s Bookstore, 3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR (map)
Description: Roz will speak for 15-20 minutes followed by Q&A, then signing.

Book signing for Good Life Series in Seattle

When: Tue, October 13, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Where: The Palace Ballroom Event, 2100 5th Ave., Seattle, WA 98121 (map)
Description: The event starts at 6:30pm with some mingling with guests, and drinks and appetizers, then at around 7pm, Roz will be interviewed by Warren Etheredge, and there is Q&A component. Book signing begins around 8pm.

Book signing at Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle

When: Wed, October 14, 7pm – 8pm
Where: Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 S. Main St., Seattle, WA (map)
Description: Roz will speak for 15-20 minutes followed by Q&A, then signing.

Book signing at Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead
When: Friday, October 16 – An Evening with Roz Savage
Where: Eastern Yacht Club, 47 Foster Street, Marblehead MA 01945
Description: Cash bar 7:30 pm; Presentation 8:00 pm
Admission: Free to Salem Sound Coastwatch current members.
If you are not a member, join today to participate in this fascinating evening. Questions? Contact SSCW (978-741-7900) about your membership status or to become a member.

Presentation in association with the Ocean River Institute

When: Sat, October 17, 5pm – 8pm
Where: Charles Hotel, Cambridge, MA (map)
Description: The Ocean River Institute Presents: Roz Savage, Ocean Rower 7 p.m., Saturday October 17, 2009 at the Regatta Bar, the Charles Hotel, Cambridge, MA During the Head of the Charles Regatta Weekend ~ Please Come and Support Roz Savage and ORI’s Efforts To Make Our World Greener! ~ The benefit will be held in the ballroom by the Regattabar – beginning with a multi-media presentation by Roz telling her stories from her Pacific journey. This will be followed by more informal time with Roz in the Regattabar, accompanied with live jazz by Grace Hughes and friends. Single Tickets – $100/ticket Couples – $150/ticket Sponsor Tickets $250/ticket (preferred seating) Special recognition will be given to people who give $250 or more Space is limited. To RSVP, or for more information, please contact Harper at 617-661-6647 or . An opportunity for rowers and their families to meet Roz will take place in the Regatta Bar at 5 p.m., $10 admission. For details and booking, click here.

Book signing in Washington DC

When: Sun, October 18, 2pm – 3pm
Where: The North Face store, 3333 M Street, NW (map)
Description: Organized by National Geographic.

Presentation for National Geographic “Live @ NGS series”

When: Mon, October 19, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Where: 1145 17th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 (map)
Description: Roz will deliver a presentation for the prestigious National Geographic Live! series. Members: $15, / 3-part series $39 General Public: $18 /3- part series $45

Note that all times above are local.

I really hope to see as many of you as possible at these events – the more the merrier!


  • Roz – it was Great to meet you and have that 1/2 hour in New York the other day. Have a blast on your book tour. I will send a note to my friends in Seattle and will let you know if dinner at their restaurant(s) is going to work.

    Travel safely,
    Best –
    Laurey Masterton (Asheville)

  • WoW, this is great! DC on the 18th and 19th, I will be there. I was not able to get away from work when you arrived for Climate Ride, I was really bummed. Now the book signing and presentation at NAT GEO LIVE! How cool. Can’t wait.

  • What, no book tour in the UK? Or does that come later? Hope to see you over here sometime, anyway.

    Good luck with the US book tour!

  • Hi Caroline – no UK book deal, unfortunately, so hence no book tour! We’re working on it, but apparently I’m not well enough known in the UK, my home country…

  • Only east and west coast? No love for us in the midwest? Some of us in the middle actually can read. At least Amazon is delivering my copy tomorrow.

  • Aaah, that’s very sad. I shall get your book from Amazon and you’ll just have to sign it next time you’re here!

  • Hey, stop beating me up! Unfortunately I didn’t get to choose the list of cities. The Simon & Schuster publicity team did. I’d have loved to include Chicago, Atlanta, Asheville and Hawaii and many other places besides, but it was not an option.

  • Hiya Roz — Amazon has shipped your book earlier than anticipated so I just may have my copy by tomorrow — which means you can sign it on Tuesday at the Barnes & Noble on the Upper West Side. Whoopie! 🙂 Best wishes for a peace-filled and blessed “whirlwind” tour — hoping it is a great success.

    Warmest wishes,

  • “Rowing the Atlantic” was waiting for me in my office chair this morning (well, 3 copies of “RtA,” plus one copy of Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food.”

    Looks fantastic. And a very nice author photo. Seriously. [whistle]

    I suspect I may finish reading it before I leave for vacation.

    I’m hoping my cousin Geof and his wife Leslie will be able to come see you in S.F. Enjoy your first book tour!

  • Hi Roz, sorry that I am going to miss all your book tours, dang! I’m off to bike ride in Florida from the 6-21 so I’ll just have to make other arrangements for my book signing. I got my copy on Friday and read it, laughing out loud at some of your comments and holding my breath during your Row Across the Atlantic in others. Bless Mum’s heart for her supportive comments or non comment as the trip unfolded. You have grown considerably Roz from the Atlantic to the Pacific; can you feel the change? Best of sales on your book tour, take care of yourself and enjoy the folks who have traveled vicariously with you on your journey. Nevada Bev

  • I’m glad that Bev enjoyed my book – do please ALL feel free to post a review on Amazon. It really helps with book sales!

    Interesting to hear about Dame Ellen. VERY interesting, in fact! I have a connection in her organization – will try to contact her.

    Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it to book signings – do make sure to identify yourself as loyal blog-followers!

  • Soooooooo when is your recording session with Audible?????? 😉

    I am trying to get down to DC for the Sunday Book Signing, but I still have to make travel arrangements, I hate planning things. Congrats on the finish of the Climateride09, and I should be getting to the pics sometime in the next century 🙂

    Have a safe Book Tour and hope you meet some really cool people.

  • Roz,
    Have S&S get you a signing session at Border’s Books on State Street
    in Chicago. Right downtown in the loop. I’ll ride the train down
    from Minneapolis. The store is a walkable distance from the station.
    You can sign my book (delivers today!) and I’ll bring a small keepsake
    from the city of Savage!

  • Roz, You are so indulgent of us. Thank you for being so patient with us expressing that we would love to have you in our cities.

    Question, if you did get your book in audio form would you listen to it yourself or would that be just too weird? 🙂

    Can’t wait to hear more about each city,


  • Ummm…Laguna Beach is in Orange County. It most definitely is not “Los Angeles” especially since it’s over 50 miles from downtown LA. And, down here, we really don’t care much for LA or being lumped in with them. (End of grumpy posting that you have no control about!) Other than that – hope your signing is very successful as you are a most amazing person.

  • Roz: Your book signing tour gave us a chuckle here in Costa Mesa when Laguna Beach is described as being the Los Angeles book signing site! Laguna Beach is not even in L.A. County, much less L.A. proper! From downtown L.A. Mapquest states the mileage at 50 miles and 55 minutes (but might take up to 1hr 55 minutes in traffic). I spent years commuting to L.A. from Costa Mesa and the time to make the 35 mile trip varied from about 50 minutes on average, to as much as 4 hours, either direction. Now, to meet you, I’m sure many folks will make whatever sacrifice necessary to get from Los Angeles to Laguna Beach, but those of us in Orange County welcome you on behalf of all Orange Countians, home of Laguna Beach, Disneyland, Newport Beach, Pageant of the Masters, Orange County Center for the Performing Arts, South Coast Plaza, Angels baseball, John Wayne Airport, and many other points of interest. Safe journey and much success on your tour!

  • Oops, so that’s about the same as Americans thinking that Manchester is just around the corner from London….!! Happy to have caused some humor, and apologies for any offense caused! So I’m booked in at the Beverly Wilshire – don’t suppose that is too handy for Laguna Beach either! But I take no blame for that one – I am totally in the hands of the S&S publicity department…!

  • WOW I got my book today 5 Oct and …. and this is a BIG AND…I will be in Portland and have my book in hand to get signed…..this is way too cool

  • Book arrived this morning (Monday). Drop everything else and start on it. Through first few chapters. This is a good read! I knew it would be but it’s even better than expected. Very well written, very intimate, very personable. Will finish it tomorrow and write review. Well done Roz.

  • BOOKMARKS:These are NOT being sent out by Amazon. The bookmarks are still being prepared, and will be mailed separately when they are all signed and sealed – possibly from the UK. Some Rozlings will remember that we did ask a few weeks ago for some contributions towards the cost of mailing them, and some money was sent for that purpose. Enjoy reading the book, sorry the bookmarks are not ready just yet to keep your place.
    Thanks for your support for Roz. Rita.

  • Hi Roz, sorry I won’t be able to make it to Laguna Beach for the signing: my book is still in transit and although I live in Los Angeles county the drive to there would be 2-3 hours, depending on traffic–on a workday. Nevertheless I will hold good energy for a highly successful session and book tour and hope you can enjoy it without getting exhausted! At least you have a few days in SF and a couple in Seattle–not too big jumps so the west coast may be a pleasant time–I sure hope so–you’ve earned it!

  • Hi Roz!

    I want to see you in Laguna Beach but YIKES!! Your blog says 6:00
    and the Upcoming Appearances” say 3:00.

    Can someone clarify?

  • Glad you’re enjoying the book, John!

    Re the times, please use the times in the blog. If you look at the Upcoming Appearances widget, it points out that the appointments are in the Hawaii time zone. It’s a pain that I can’t set it to use local time – that is why I wrote the blog to clarify and try to avoid confusion. Evan and I are trying to address this problem but it seems to be just a feature of iCal. Sorry for any discombobulation caused!

  • Congratulations on your publication and book tour. I was looking forward to seeing you in Massachusetts, but it is disappointing that your venues require me to either join a club or go to a fundraiser that I can not afford. Why not just a simple bookstore signing as you are doing in other cities?

  • Hi Tom – if it wasn’t for the generosity of the Ocean River Institute in organizing the MA events, I wouldn’t have been able to come to your state at all, so I’m afraid I can hardly fault them for the way they have organized it. It was not my choice!

    Sheesh, taking a lot of heat for book tour arrangements. Don’t blame me, I’m just the author!

  • Hey all: I wish Roz could come to Denver and other areas as well. However, having worked both in and with the publishing world, I can assure you that she has absolutly NO control over where S&S routes her. They have a planning department that sets that all in stone for their maximum marketing penetration.

  • Oi, I thought for sure S&S wouldn’t miss the hot literary mecca of St. Augustine Beach Florida where I just happen to be cooling my heels! Actually, I thought I’d have to fly up to Atlanta or some other Bold New City of The South. I’ll be getting your book though and my local book shop says they will order a few extra. Luck!

  • Thought for sure I would have spotted you at the Annapolis MD sailboat show this year Oct 8-12th, but unfortunately I’ll already be gone by the time you hit Washington DC later in the week. Nevertheless, I keep my eyes open for your ‘eventual’ trip to the heartland … if you can handle being away from the smell of saltwater? 😉

  • Roz, it was a great pleasure finally meeting you at the Rowing Club last night! You were funny, beautiful, inspirational and very gracious with your time. The setting was very relaxed (maybe a tad too much for you 🙂 People beer in hand and tomatoes and basil being cut for dinner on the same table where you signed your book – I loved it. Met some great people afterward. Was looking forward to meet your #1 fan Karen Morss but didn’t recognize her in the crowd. Please pass my email on to Joan –
    Good luck with the rest of your tour. Do well in Copenhagen (very much in the news lately) and looking forward to communicate with you again in April.



  • Too bad Roz isn’t hitting the Midwest. It has been great listening to her interviews (listening now on KERA) and podcasts. Hoping for an audio book verdmsion of Rowing as I’m an avid Audible reader. Keep up the great work.

  • What a JOY !!!! I was at Powell’s Bookstore in Portland!!! I enjoyed the speaking and the presentation .It was a joy to meet and get my book signed by Roz.
    She is a real joy to listen to to to find inspiration with I SO enjoyed the time, YOU Roz are a treat

  • Hi Roz,
    I’m very sorry we missed you in SF. We had a bit of a crazy schedule and were too sloppy to mark the calendar. We definitely want to make it up to you at the first chance we get.
    Aleksey and Elena

  • Aleksey and Elena – I missed you! Drove past Liverpool Lil’s and thought of you – plus of course every time I look at my book cover! Really sorry I didn’t get to see you, but let’s try again in Feb when I will be back in SF for about a week.

    Hope to see you then – R xox

  • Hi Roz,
    Just picked up your book on Friday (2009/10/16). It was one of the more inspirational sea books I’ve read in a long time. Unfortunately, I’m in the Midwest and flying out to east coast to have my booked signed is out of the question (I have excess miles and haven’t had good clam chowder in a while but I need a weeks notice for work). I would like to do a Northwest passage myself (Not rowing. It just sounds a little too brutal). Please let us in the Midwest know when you’ll be back.

  • Roz, great to read about your accomplishment – again, when I checked your website today.

    Began following your trip while on a road a trip in June to California with 12 year old grandchild. We originally were following you via Then switched to your site to see progress on a daily basis with GPS data.

    Bravo to see women making news in what should be a call to many young women to find there are still adventures to be made.

    My interest in women explorers was piqued when I first heard about 2 women who walked both polar regions in 2002. Their adventure was covered in a book; No Horizon Is So Far: Two Women and Their Extraordinary Journey Across Antarctica – by Liv Arnesen & Ann Bancroft. They didn’t let their age get in the way either. At ages 45 and 47, the two former schoolteachers set out to become the first women to cross Antarctica on foot. American Ann Bancroft and Norwegian Liv Arnesen would walk, ski, and ski-sail for nearly three months in temperatures as low as -35F, towing 250-pound supply sledges across two thousand miles of crevasse-ridden ice while connecting with millions of schoolchildren via Web site transmissions and satellite phone calls. 2 kewl.

    You go girl 🙂 Marion

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