I have been obsessed with this question for the last 9 years, ever since I had my environmental epiphany in a small cottage in Sligo in 2004. It was the motivation behind my ocean ocean rowing voyages – the idea was that I could reach new audiences by using adventure as my medium, rather than more conventional methods of environmental outreach. I did my best to reach outside the choir, using my blogs, videos, presentations and books to raise environmental awareness.
To an extent I believe it worked, although the frustrating thing with “raising awareness” is that it is nigh on impossible to quantify, and is mostly judged on anecdotal evidence. But even if I couldn’t be sure that my messages were always hitting their mark, at least I had a sense of progress as my oarstroke count mounted up, as did the miles passing beneath my keel, and the number of oceans crossed. It may not have been the right metric, but it was a metric.
Ever since I hung up my oars in October 2011 (via a brief almost-lured-out-of-retirement episode in 2012), I have returned time and again to the question of “what next?”. As the scale and urgency of our environmental challenges becomes every greater, at times I have almost panicked about my inaction. Obsessing about problems is no substitute for resolving them.
Two tentative theories have emerged from all this obsessive thinking.

1. Governments are not looking after our long-term interests. They mostly just want to get re-elected. Big Business is not looking after our long-term interests. They mostly just want to keep their shareholders and chief execs happy and rich and complacent. (Annie Leonard describes this brilliantly in her 20-minute video, The Story of Stuff.)
2. Most people aren’t listening. This is not their fault. We live in a crazily hectic world, where the average American is bombarded by as many as 5,000 advertising messages every day, spends 5 hours a day watching TV, let’s not even start on social media, and has on average only 16 paid days of vacation per year. At one time it was thought that technology would deliver us additional leisure time in which to ponder the big questions of life, but instead our modern lifestyle has created new diversions, chewing up our time and distracting us from what really matters. When a person’s waking hours are already 100% full, they don’t have time or headspace to ponder urgent messages about the long-term future of humanity.
“We get the government we deserve”, said Alexis de Tocqueville. So if we’re not thinking long-term, why should our governments? It’s not going to win them any votes – probably the opposite.
Maybe we also get the corporations we deserve. At a high-level meeting about the crisis of childhood obesity, the head of General Mills, Stephen Sanger, bluntly said, “Don’t talk to me about nutrition”. If people want to eat fat-laden, salt-laden, sugar-laden foods (an unfortunate genetic hangover from long-forgotten times when food was scarce), then that is what Big Food would continue to provide.
So if governments won’t take a lead, and corporations won’t take a lead, that leaves us. You, me, your neighbours, your colleagues, your friends. We can’t look outside ourselves for the leader. We have to BE the leader.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
(Mahatma Gandhi)
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
(Margaret Mead)
[Featured image: me marching with 350.org in Copenhagen, 2009]
Your two tentative theories make excellent sense. Keep up the great work!
You are right Roz, of course. Businesses exist only because
they provide what we are willing to pay for; if they offered things that we don’t
want then they would not survive. Governments are elected (notionally) to do
what their electors want them to do and those electors (us) want security,
comfort, and suchlike for ourselves and the next generation – there’s nothing we
can do about the more remote future; we have to leave that to our children.
However, what we can do is influence our children; educate them to be economical
with resources and to dispose of their waste in ways that do least harm to their children. If we can keep our message that simple, we might achieve something. The worst we can do is lecture people and attempt to force them to act as we would like – that only builds resentment and a refusal to cooperate.
Agreed! It comes down to us as individuals.Just traveled the world and came to the same conclusions. At first I was devastated and spent time frustrated. Globally we aren’t doing much. Lots of individuals are doing many wonderful things. Lead and people will follow. thewayfaringfamily.com
Thanks for your comment. I agree that lots of people are doing good work as individuals. We just need to join the dots to create a web of wonderful work!
I have been contemplating this question for almost 20 years and have some good answers, but not the $$ funding or support needed to get the ideas into reality yet. http://icansavetheworld.com