A quick little video update from Yale, in which I am “shopping” to choose just 2 courses from the mind-boggling 2,000 courses on offer.

In the video I mention our upcoming seminar on identity. I have written a blog describing some of my initial thoughts, which I will publish tomorrow. I would very much appreciate it if you would come back to me with your comments, to help me develop my ideas on the subject.



  • Economics, definitely. Whatever you decide to do after Yale will involve costs to people, directly or indirectly and it’s essential to understand the effects of those costs.

  • I’m a huge fan of Robert Shiller, of Yale’s econ department. He seems to both have an interest in economics but also how capital markets can be used as a force for good (latest book “Finance and the Good Society”, which you can read the overview of on amazon).

    That being said, I’m also a huge fan of economics / finance in general, being a financial analyst – so I’d hate to steer you towards something that fascinates me but bores others.

    • Robert will be a special guest speaker at one of our World Fellows’ seminars later this semester. Very much looking forward to it. Aren’t we lucky?!

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